We are only four games into our new journey in the SASL but already a big game is on our plate! This Sunday we have our first home game of the season against one of the better teams in the league, Guilford Bell Curve. They sit second in the table after 4 games, on 9 points, winning 3 and losing only once. They have beaten the Eagles (3-2) and North Branford (3-0) away and won 5-1 against Hamden at home. Their only loss so far came at home to Orange, 3-1. Last year they finished bottom of Div 2 having lost 13 of their 18 games and shipping 52 goals! They must have tightened up a bit but maybe they are a fragile team that is used to losing? Let's get them on the back foot as soon as we can and hit them with confident attacking play!
See you Sunday at Exchange field 10am kick off. Jodingo!! is the beer boy and he has to compete with the awesome collection of beers from last week!!
No Hulk this weekend but we have the amazing, flexible and ever reliable El Gato between the sticks! Still need some players to do their check ins.... or outs.
I should be in! I'm on babyitting duty Sunday though! So I would need somebody on the sideline to watch after my son when I'm on the pitch! he'll want to go on too, and although he'll probably do better than most of us.... :o) I will confirm later today.
ReplyDelete..................Fribeka, bring your son and the subs can watch him, and as you say, get some playing tips at the same time...
ReplyDeleteconnecticutcelt said...
Roster for Sunday:
El Gato
Arniesto... very likely
We are not crazy!
ReplyDeleteRoster for Sunday:
El Gato
Arniesto... very likely
Fribeka....should be in!
OUT; BOR, Hulk
Do we know any of these guys on the Bell Curve team?
ReplyDeleteJodingo!! I think Tom and La Boca know some of them
ReplyDeleteFribeka is your son over 40?
ReplyDelete........still read the Guardian Johnaldo!
ReplyDelete.........Roberto's pass still not sent out by Quirk.
ReplyDeleteRoniildo.... I'm like Sarah Palin, i read all of them.....
ReplyDeleteGuys, the deadline for joining the State cup competitions is September 25th. I had assumed, maybe wrongly, that we would want to settle into this new league before taking on more games in the state cup. But tell me what you think. Applying does not gaurantee that the team gets accepted into the cup competitions but Sept 25th is the deadline.
ReplyDeleteEl Gato where do you track our points for yellow /red cards? Can't find it
ReplyDelete...............Johnldo, your comment about the state cup is the way I remember it from last week. We will have the indoor to keep us fit duriong the recess. We should wait and enter the State Cup the following year.....
ReplyDelete................did we ever get official notice from GM about being winners of CARSL?
ReplyDeleteWe had 6 points up to now and we lost 5 points due to 5 yellow cards we received on the last 4 games. We are left with 1 point so far. We can not go under zero or we are screwed. 5 yellow cars in 4 games is not good so far we have to keep it on the no yellow card side for the next few games to collect more positive points. I have a spreadsheet that I keep track of the yellow cards and the points. I will send it to you so you can put it on the link for everyone to see. However you or I have tto update it after each game.
The spreadsheet is what was provided by SASL president.
ReplyDeleteAs far as state cup goes I say let's wait till next year. We need to get our feet wet in the new league before committing to state cup. That is if we even get accepted. Non refundable $100 application fee can be spend wisely next year.
ReplyDeleteWe should establish a system whereby the players getting the yellow cards are the ones who pay the fines. Let's do this asap, rather than after the fact. I, for one, do not want to be penalized for the dumb actions of others.
ReplyDeleteShould we try to differentiate between 'deserved' yellow cards (such as those given for yelling at the ref, blantant & purposeful fouls, kicking the ball when a free kick has been called, etc.) and "undeserved" cards (a seemingly unintentional harsh tackle, etc.)????
.............Jodingo!!, you make a good point on the distinction of yellow classification. It makes sense to me. El Gato, what exactly happens if we go below "zero". We will need to explain this very clearly to the team, so that they understand the consequences.
ReplyDeleteHow would you classify Safet's last week;-)
I actually didn't see what happened re. Safet's yellow.
ReplyDelete........he was showing dissent to the ref I as i recall
ReplyDeleteThat's a deserved yellow
ReplyDeleteYou do not get fined for yellow cards only red cards. If you have too many points below zero you do not get invited to come back next year. That is decided by the executive board. There are very few teams that ended up with negative points. The team that had -15 last year was kicked out of the league. Most over 40 teams last year finished well above zero. Guilford Black eagle for example ended with double digit positive at the end of last year. Remember we get 1.5 point per game let's add them up not reduce them with a 1 point yellow card.
ReplyDeleteWe'd better start acting like adults. Maybe we should have our own internal policy calling for immediate removal from the game, with no coming back on, and out for the next game for any deserved yellow cards.
ReplyDeleteSo far our yellow card holders (please confirm):
Yes, I fouled a guy against Morelia (-1) to me
ReplyDeleteSafet kicked the ball away when he disagreed with the refs decision so he probably got it for either dissent/ or unsporting behaviour (-1) to him
ReplyDeletePractice to day at Calvin Lette school some of Branford team are there every Thu. So let's show some one please.
ReplyDeleteStill to hear from La Boca, Safet, Tom Pink anyone else?
ReplyDeleteOut is BOR, Hulk, Goggs
I will play on sunday
ReplyDeleteRoster for Sunday:
El Gato
Arniesto... very likely
Fribeka....should be in!
OUT; BOR, Hulk
still to hear from La Boca, Tpink
I agree with Jodingo that the players do get yellow cards or any card for that matter are responsible for fines or penalties from the league but the team as a whole should NOT be responsible for it. Just like Jodingo, I also, for one, don't want to be penalized for the dumb actions of others. Like El Gato said we need to be careful with the points as the team. I am pretty sure the league will send warnings if we get in trouble with the points but we don't want to get to that point and need to be cautious.
ReplyDeleteWe need to have discussion with the team to make sure everyone understand it.
ReplyDeleteeveryone, or at least the majority of the team, were handed the SASL disciplinary rules, by me, before the first game of the season.
I made a point of handing it to the usual excuse filled cadre of teammates... you know the ones...."i don't read the blog", " what's a blog?", " i don't have e-mail", " i don't have a computer", " i don't have electricity" ....those guys.... so i hope they have read it.... if not, then we can go through all of it again at the next game..... we don't exactly have a team of great listeners or maybe we just have an extremely bad case of cognitive dissonance..... you pick
What can I say, the ref. give me a yellow for barely kick the guy who was fakeing it. So by this new rule next time Hulk, let them score instead to get a yellow card.
ReplyDeleteI agree about stupidity actions and get a card but for an over react ref.? come on.
We have to use the common sense, and explain if you do dummy things you be at the bench.
That is my humble opinion.
Have a good trip and I promise one goal dedicated to you.
.................hey Tano, totally agree with benching guys who do stupid things, which hurt the team with negative points. That is exactly what happened last week with Safet! As captain, I called to have him benched after his yellow, to cool down and give him time to think about the team rather than himself. In practice, what happened was my wish was completely ignored, and rather than Safet coming out, he stayed in and Jorge was subbed out. It will take sometime, but as ateam we all need to be on the same page, otherwise it does not work.....
ReplyDelete...............Danny, give me a call in the morning (or not). Why have you dropped off the map with zero communication....don't understand it?
ReplyDeleteGuys. Let's not make up "rules" on the fly here. We should monitor the discipline issue through the season not game by game reactions. If we want to have a "one yellow and your off" rule then let's discuss this at a team meeting. I don't think it a useful rule as we know some yellows are Ref mistakes . Roniildo. I don't remember anyone asking for players to be subbed
ReplyDeleteThe hulkers Conn boys lost first game to Florida state champs 10 - 9.....but are still in. Since I am no longer new to team when I get back team management and captains are going to sit down and have a meeting to resolve these issues on blog. I will schedule this meeting with Johnny and put this behind us. people have made some very valid statements and they should be discussed. Kick ass boys on Sunday
ReplyDelete.................close game Hulk. Best of luck for the remainder. Get some pics for the blog....
ReplyDeleteJohnaldo, probably nobody heard me for all the yelling that was going on....I think Jodingoo!! did though...
Anyway, you're right...we should look at the bigger picture over time, and discuss strategy as a team.
................TGIF...really looking forward to Sunday's big match!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteI may play defense because again we have many guys who want to by up front like last S Sunday so we don't have La boca and I can play for him on the back.
ReplyDeleteW have Jorge, Safety, Arniesto and Ilhan. To many fwds.
At defense we need 6 and we have Johnaldo. Jodiingo, el Flaco,Ronildo and maybe Telat so we need at least one more def. Player.
What you guys, think?
Tom P. Is also on defense. If he shows up.
ReplyDeleteYou are our top goal scorer in the SASL! not sure why you would want to drop into defence?
I would imagine defence for this weekend will have El Gato in goals, me and Jodingo starting in the full back position, Roniildo sitting as the stopper or really deep midfielder and if La Boca doesn't show then we will go with Flaco as sweeper and hope he keeps to position more than he did last week!Tpink hasn't responded yet but he would be a Defensive sub.
I think we will need more support and subbing in the midfield this week as we potentially could look thin there. We have Telat, Halil who are fit and ready to roll but then Tom ( not 100% ), Fribeka ( maybe will turn up depending on baby sitting ). I think we will need Ilhan and Arniesto to be in the midfield pool which leaves us with only you, Jorge and Safet to get us through the game up front!
What do you think?
Hulk... close defeat! keep going and bring back a trophy!
ReplyDeleteI might be able to make the 2nd half only.
ReplyDeletetpink....that would be fine, we will need you by then!
ReplyDeleteBringing my son to the game did not get full approval by my wife! She want to be sure that an adult will be on hand to look after him - our players do not qualify as adults, I agree - He wouldn't need to much entertainment since I would bring his chair/DVD player/snack/spongebob soccer ball, which should be sufficient to keep him off the field!
ReplyDeleteLOTB, are you coming to the game?? :o)
So! I will keep you posted with the ongoing developpments!
Fribeka....I would be more than happy to help you out, but I will be at my daughter's game......sorry! :o(
ReplyDeleteGood luck sunday bhoys.......if you can all behave yourselves you won't even have to worry about the yellow/red card count. Will be looking forward to the match report to see how you did!
ReplyDeleteIssue solve quick.
I hope they listen and following your lead.
Tano... i hope so too!
ReplyDeletethanks LOTB!
ReplyDeleteEl Gato and Jorge...numbered shirts are not yet done, so bring your old ones Sunday!
ReplyDeleteSee you there!
All, Be ready to play hard! Slackers won't be tolerated!
Oktoberfest runs from 18 September to 4 October.
ReplyDelete...............................quiet today?
ReplyDeleteBusy day Roniildo! For those guys that will play for the "Atlantic Rovers 2010" in Scotland next weekend i have your new shirts and socks!
ReplyDelete.........Thank you Johnaldo!!! Really looking forward to tomorrow's big match and our Scottish trip....Atlantic Rovers Rule!
ReplyDelete........last post was Roniildo's :-)
ReplyDelete......we really need you LaBoca, if at all possible!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThought we had another LOTB for a second!
ReplyDelete....looks like going to be a great Sunny morning. See everyone at 9.15 :-)
ReplyDelete...............Fribeka, are you able to make it this morning afterall?