Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Next Session of Indoor starts Thursday 8.30pm!

Hi Guys,

If you expressed interest in playing the 5 game indoor session #3, it begins on Thursday @ 8:30PM. Total team fee is $450.

TomA is coordinating with Astrit (our former player) and his friends to make up the other half of the team. Tom has indicated Astrit will bring 4 or 5 friends. If the latter, we will have 12 players(=$37.50 per player) or if 11 players (=$41 per player). Please bring cash only on Thursday. 

Most importantly, if you have decided NOT to play, please email us tonight, so we can figure out final cost before Thursday. The SportsPlex requires full team payment on Thursday.

Check the Celtic Blog for most updated information :-)



  1. Tim is out, so we are a team of 11 or 10 now, so please do the math for tonight :-)

  2. My plans have changed, so I am out tonight boys.

  3. TomA,
    Just got word from Stan. The team balance is $200, which he wants on Thuersday. The match is at 7PM.

    Just to reiterate: Tim and myself are out for the session, so you are a team of 10, which is $45 per player.

    Good luck boys!
