Match report here http://madisonceltic.blogspot.com/2010/09/match-report-hamden-2-madison-3.html
Although I wasn't there, the great match report by Arniesto clearly describes the debacle as Madison went two goals down in rapid succession to the then bottom team in the league. The Celts did fight back to grind out a deserved 3-2 win but this game should serve as a warning call to all of us to not take teams too lightly!
Since that game Hamden have accrued an overall record of 11 games played, with one won , one drawn and nine defeats giving them the grand total of 4 points as they prop up the rest of the table. Yes, on the face of it this should be a straight forward three points but that's what we thought the last time!
Johnaldo and Roniildo are on beer duty for this weekend! Carlos is still banned for this game as is Kris
Dont forget practice tonight at Cox School, 6pm