It felt like the old days as the Mad Celts swept to a very impressive 10 4 victory over North Branford! This was the Celts biggest indoor victory since last year and it was no surprise that it was all sparked by the exciting news that El Flaco and goal King Jorge were back in the side. What a difference they made to the team with rapid movement, great passing and fabulous goals. Of course, it wasn't all about them as Tano was in sparkling form and we saw great play from David and Roniildo. You also know things are really going well when Johnaldo and Kris get on the score sheet! North Branford didn't know what hit them and they were never really in the game as Madison kept a healthy margin of goals throughout the game. Only one more game left in indoor before the start of the season! More to the build up to the Spring season in the coming days!
tano what is your official squad number now? 11 or 88?
ReplyDeleteroniildo.... what number is on your black shirt? dont think its no 9
ReplyDeleteBOR was your black shirt no 2?
ReplyDeleteRuggerhino your number is 19 Not 18
ReplyDeleteJohnaldo, my atlantoic rovers number is 10
ReplyDelete...........Kris N, need you to email me a scanned version of your Driver ID, and a photo of your choice (for your SASL Pass) ASAP, so I can have you registered. The sooner we do this the sooner you can play! The registrar for the SASL league does this for new players in batch mode, and then sends the pass to John or I. You can only play when we receive your pass. Thanks Kris!
ReplyDelete..........Jodingo!!, Johnaldo & BOR et al, Continental to Glasgow or Edinburgh for $932 all in. Need to secure rooms in Hopeman (same place) or other soon probably. We could pitch a tent like the Edinburgh team last year :-) Be cool if we can travel together as a team again this year!
ReplyDeleteJohnaldo: "88" my official number.
ReplyDeleteI was playing a scrimmage game today for Guilford Hawks vs Clinton and that field was like playing on a plowed field ready to grow potatoes, will be hard go back to play outdoor again.
Johnaldo, Jodingo!!, Roniildo and BOR I will be getting to Aberdeen from London on the Friday Sept. 23rd. probably somehow hook-up with you guys somewhere on the road hitchhiking...
ReplyDeleteWhat would be Kris's number? Dejan had 16 is that open now?
ReplyDelete................El Gato, we should try to meet up in Glasgow or Edinburgh on the Friday mrning, and drive to Aberdeen together.....we can plan the granular logistics in the next couple of weeks. Can't wait for September though :-)
ReplyDelete...................sad night for UCONN girls :-( Too busy cheering stanford loss to the Texas Aggie's, and we came out 2nd best to the ND Irish...anyway, looking forwad to chelsea v ManU this week...should be a cracking match
ReplyDelete.............? the heck ru all doing over the weekend....Be ready for the Wallingford Morellia next Sunday..........We're in it to win it boys. Get busy early on in the season, and we'll be fine...........
ReplyDeleteRoniildo, I'd like confirmation from Walter that we have the correct weekend in September before we purchase tix. Johnaldo, can you ask him?
ReplyDelete........good point Jodingo!!
ReplyDeleteguys I will check with Walter although i know what he will say in his usual manner "Aye, its always the last weekend of September"
ReplyDeletedoes anyone like the pic of Jorge and Tom? 140 years of soccer experience in one photo! LOL
ReplyDeletegot the "clash contingency" black shirts at the weekend...they are getting numbered as we speak.... we wont distribute them but bring them to every home game just in case
ReplyDeleteTano looks like our usual smooth passing game may be under some threat if the fields don't improve!
ReplyDeleteGuys El Gato got confirmation that El Flaco is banned for the first 3 games of the season for his red card..... very harsh for a non violent sending off but this league seems to have rules upon rules to the point where it is confusing. In no other league would a player be banned for 3 games for a first red card..... anyway it is what it is
ReplyDeleteJohnaldo.. Definitely you got the point, and how hard could be until we use to again.
The last post explains how important is to "not arguing with the referee".
Can everybody get that as a rule? if you arguing stay out chill out,so think twice that doing this it make worse for the whole team.
I watching soccer since do,do,da,da, and I never seen any referee change his decision after a player talking yelling gesturing or whatever, and I see a thousand red cards more for talking than kicking a leg.
I notice if you been gentle (Xavi) to our opponents players, and after you make a rude foul, you give them an a proper apology to him and also to the referee it works much better than talk.
Tano... i agree.... there is absolutely no point in talking to a referee during a game... he is the judge and jury during those 90 minutes... and you can tell some of them actually will give a harsher ban based on verbal abuse
ReplyDeleteI need to know ASAP then if it is not Sept. 23 to 25.
I updated the various "pages" section top right of THE blog.... still need an updated finances section to round it off
ReplyDeleteEl Gato? that is the last weekend in September....
ReplyDeleteThe Hulkster and Tano have the first Beer run of the year.... I will post every Monday during the season who is the Beers boys for the Sunday coming. One point of concern, it needs to be specified to ALL who the field captains are and who has the decision making responsibility during the heat of battle as discussed during our meeting. Especially since the first team we play was the perfect example of how a game we dominated became a tie because of lack of leadership on the field. Not taking a shot at anyone but the tie to wallingford last year was the game that hurt the most.
ReplyDeleteHulk totally agree Roniildo is the on field captain but i will retain the right to be on and off field manager! If any trouble is created around subbing or arguing or yellow cards i will sort it out. Hopefully people will respect the captain decisions
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with Tano's last comment, arguing with the ref won't change his decision!
ReplyDeleteI won't make the first outdoor game of the season, and you know its killing me…. I was not available against this team last year for the 4-4 draw - matter of fact I wasn't available for the 5-5 draw as well (on the bench with an injury and swearing). Hopefully, its just a coincidence and not bad karma, or its not due to my absence on the field that 11 goals were allowed in the 3 games I missed ;o)
On another note, if there is a chance, I'd like to play in the last indoor game this Thursday - let me know!
Fribeka please turn up for the indoor game... you can take my place 8pm
ReplyDelete........great to see you back Fribeka!!!! Look forward to Thursady, and try and bake in a half hour at Doody's after the match. I know it is tough though :-)
ReplyDelete....Hulk, I've been waiting for the Morellia match with great patience. Will be no repeat of last time!!! I predict Jorge will get his first hatrick of the season against Wallingford.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with all said by TANO, Hulk, Johnaldo and Fribeka regarding referee management. Johnaldo will have final say over discipline as always, and I will do my utmost to uphold the privelledge and honor of being our Captain. If I fail, Johnaldo will take care of me ;-)
Already getting pumped up for Sunday boys!!!!!
Hulk... We talk Thursday night, about the beers brands and place, to get it.
ReplyDeleteJack... I'm glad that you want to show up for indoor. See you Thursday.
El Gato... How is the field? No problems for Sunday?
..........Tanoliito, any others from disbanded Guilford team interested in becoming Celts?
ReplyDelete.........sent big Kris emails over the weekend, regarding his ID and registration etc...If you have a number, I can call him tomorrow morning. Each dasy that goes by, reduces chances that SASL will OK hin before season start.
ReplyDeleteI check tomorrow after work but I was told today that there is still 3 feet of snow in the parking lot....
ReplyDelete..............no way El Gato :-). I'm out there tomorrow too. Soccer in NE is so short asd it is. Let's make sure we have a match on Sunday, even if it means calling all the right people in beautiful Madison..get my drift?
ReplyDeleteEl Gato. We don't play in the parking lot ....... How much snow on the field???
ReplyDelete......Can we play in Wallingfod and still be ligit with SASL? I'd do that rather than not play this week. Their fields were better than ours, and I passed by today, and look to be in good shape. Let's get rocking on plan for Sunday. If it is OK to swithch venue by SASL, need to call Morellia management tomorrow morning. If you need any assistance, let me know tonight.
ReplyDeleteRoniildo. I saw kids playing on the field at the weekend. Not sure what the issue is.... We need an early read from the town if the field is playable or not....and it would not just be Morelia but also the ref and the leagues that would need to be told if we changed..... I'm assuming our game is on as planned unless el Gato has been told the field is unplayabe. I know the car lot is......
ReplyDelete.............loud and clear Johnaldo. El Gato will be all over this tomorrow. Not tooo much rain in forcast either! If kids were on it over the weekend, we should be golden. About time we started roster call for Sunday.....casn't wait
El Gato
...............Euro championship tomorrow :-)
ReplyDeleteChampions league! Madrid vs Spurs is an unusual one
ReplyDelete........agreed, but Chelsea v MANU will be a cracker on Wed!
ReplyDelete....Jodingo!!...driving with Jorge on Sunday?
ReplyDeleteHulk, how's the new Harley?
Roniildiito... Yes, There is some from Hamden Utd. may be interested, some Brazilians guys from Clinton too and some from Guilford, but we have full rooster, let see how we doing for now, what you think Capt.?
ReplyDeleteAnd about Guilford, they change shirts and little things, but one thing that impress me was that they have a bag of balls of high quality like around 700 dollars on balls. That may be the money what they take from DS and Little Chris Passes, lol.
ReplyDeleteTaniliito, u crack me up. We can buy some new balls. Really like the EPL ball you have! Some of Henrique's buds at Clinton..huh? If we are serious about guys, keep Johnaldo in the loop. Our roster aint that big TANO, cause we always have guys hurt, travelling or no shows. As I have been preaching, I'm in in it to win it, and enjoy the parties. If there are guys who are dependable and want to try out for us, let's have them bring it. Too seasoned by far now to go off of the guys are interested schpiel. If you want to play, show up, contact Johnaldo and we'll take it from there. We have an awesome squad in the making, so bring it on boys if you want to play for Celtic;-)
Still waiting on KN's info before I can send to SASL.
Halil, if u r blogging, let us know how you are doing!
............go Huskies over Butler!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete.......TPink, ru travelling? Haven't heard from u inh a while????
ReplyDeleteHuskies playing a bit better now
ReplyDeleteGo Huskies!
El Gato
I'm in for Thursday and Sunday. Let me know if I need to make a field drive-by to check on things... Strong or Exchange field?
ReplyDeleteJohnaldo, my Rovers number is 4.
See y'all Thursday...
Johnaldo shirt number 19 is fine. Will bring cash on Thursday. Also available to play on Sunday. Played this past weekend in Clinton and had lot of fun..I am ready for the season.
ReplyDeleteFor the Scotland trip..check kayak.com. I found BDL-->ABZ for ~$850..assuming departure on Sept 21 and return on Sept 27. Would be nice to know more about group activities, if any, after Sunday's game...
ReplyDelete......Rugginho, your pass won't be back from the SASL registrar most likely by Sunday. They have their own system of doing things! Until John or I receive the pass back in hand, you can't play. Same goes for Bambi and Kris N. Please show up to cheer, and enjoy the beers though. Good deal on US to Aberdeen direct, but I will fly to GLA, since my parents are there!
ReplyDelete.........For Sunday so far
El Gato
Hartford to Aberdeen will be at least a two stop flight.... no direct flights from Hartford
ReplyDelete........cheers Johnaldo. I will be going direct to GLA with Co anyway. shall we look into the other bigger B&B on the hill, since likely to be more of us this year?
ReplyDeletei will check to see if it has re-opened
ReplyDelete.....OK Great!
ReplyDelete...........I spoke to Telat today, and he confirmed that Halil will be able to play on Sunday!!!
ReplyDeleteI'd like to a direct to Glasgow and then drive like we did this past time. Or, if someone has a better plan, I'll go along with the group, if possible.
ReplyDeleteWe should be allset with the field. Both Strong and Exchange fields should be available for Sunday. I will check the exchange field tonight to see with the rain today how it is.
ReplyDeleteI am flying to London from Hartford on Tuesday the 20th and flying either to Aberdeen or Inverness on Friday 23rd. Then start walking to Hopeman you guys can pick me up on the road....
ReplyDeleteEl Gato....You might barter for a ride on a donkey....or maybe ride in a sheep trailer...though you might be exhausted by the time you arrive in Hopeman!
ReplyDeleteEl Gato, For your planning purposes, I know it takes about 45 minutes between Aberdeen and Hopeman....at least that's how long it took in the tow truck!
ReplyDeleteJodingo!!, a major goal for this year is to avoid the tow truck at all costs ;-)
That was Inverness not Aberdeen!
ReplyDeleteIts only 60 miles no worries...