It was a clash of the Madison's last night as the Celts crushed the Crisis in a truly one sided game. The final score was 11-3 but the Celts could easily have scored 20 or more with the busiest of the goalkeepers clearly on the Crisis side of the field. Nonetheless, that shouldn't have allowed El Gato to have a quick snooze during the game, but more on that later. The match was basically over as a competition before it had really started with some incredibly rapid fire passing between Halil and Ruben before one or both of them would slam the ball into the net. In next to no time the Celts were 3-0 up and cruising. Great midfield play by Tom and Dejan kept up the supply of passes to the two forwards and the goals count kept climbing. In defence Johnaldo and Danny were having a relatively quiet night although every so often the Crisis forwards would get hold of the ball and attempt a shot. On one of those occasions they managed to get a good break and clear shot on goal which sailed into the net. But by half time that was the only positive event that the Madison Crisis team could look to as they were down 7-1 to an exciting and penetrating Celtic team.
The second half was a bit closer mainly because of the antics of El Gato! A weak shot early in the second half somehow managed to squirm under his arms into the net and it looked like El Gato was getting his bored, sleepy look back again. That was completely confirmed after the Celts scored another and the Crisis kicked off again from the centre spot by firing a shot directly into the net over the head of a drowsy, distracted El Gato who had strayed about several yards of his line in attempt to have a good look at the game in the next field! Cats should not stray! Luckily for him the team got back on track and slammed in another few goals to finish the game strongly. Great performances by Tom A and Dejan in midfield and superb play by Halil and Ruben up front. And in the defence it was great to see Danny getting his soccer juices revved up for the outside season with some great defending and cracking goals!
I took this photo of El Gato after the game as he was feeling sorry for himself......
That looks just like me.
ReplyDeleteI had a great time last night. Field three had a great game going and I was too occupied watching them than paying attention to our own game. ;-)
ReplyDeletewatch out for the catnip El Gato!
ReplyDeleteEl Gato has lost it
ReplyDeleteJohn Come on!!
ReplyDeleteWe won easy because my bright new Celtic shirt
Blinded the goalkeeper ;).
(I know it sound like laundry soap TV add).
BTW, Very good post John and keep counting goals.
Ruben! Your new shirt was very bright! That will change once the outdoor season starts!
ReplyDeleteGreat Reporting as usual John. One more indoor game and sorry you will miss the next game....enjoy your time in brit.
ReplyDeleteUpdated Downloads Page with 2009-2010 SASL Team Managers Contact Information -- MUTILPLE UPDATES, too long to list here. Added the contact information of all new teams voted in for the 2010-11 season at the SASL AGM.
ReplyDeleteI've included all of our new teams on the "Managers' List" at the end of each age group section, so that (a) you get familiar with them and (b) any time you are looking to set up friendly games, please do not forget them! They are now, after all, fully-fledged members of the league, even if they are not scheduled to play any league games until next season.
New teams, if any of your information is incorrect, please let me know any updates and/or corrections!
New Teams:
Over-30 League: Bridgeport Blue Dragons
Masters League: Madison Celtic
Over-48 League: Greenwich Arsenal, Farmington White Owls
All please be aware, we could still accept further new teams all the way up until the start of next season (the sooner the better so that the schedule can be finalised).
NEW SASL Rules & By-Laws (Revision: March 20, 2010) -- also includes changes effective for the 2010-11 season kicking off in August 2010.
ReplyDeleteA special note on this particular update:
All rule changes and additional new rules are effective immediately, except for two things that are in italics and noted as such: The score reporting rule change from three to two scores not reported before points are deducted and the purchase of special flags for turf fields. These two rule changes are effective for the 2010-2011 season, which kicks off this coming August.
Therefore you must be aware of two important changes and be prepared!:
1) Teams are limited to up to three non-players on the bench (managers/coaches) and each must have a non-player pass to show to the referee. Non-players with passes must be typed into the new section on the 2009-2010 Line-up Card the same as any player so that the referee may verify their eligibility to be on the team bench. Both team benches must be on the same side of the field. Anyone else, that is, anyone without a player or non-player pass must go to the opposite side of the field to where the benches are. If teams do not comply with these rules, the referee has the right not to officiate the match which will be considered abandoned and teams will be fined and/or forfeit the match.
2) Teams who play on artificial turf fields must have corner flags -- not cones, and certainly not nothing at all. It goes without saying that all grass fields must have corner flags too, but in the past it is more likely than not that games have been played on artificial turf fields without any type of corner marker. Teams must obtain proper types of corner flags for the artificial field. You have until August to shop for them now and find the best type and/or best prices. They are not required for the second half of the 2009-2010 season, but why wait?
For example, I found this set of four flags for $133.99:
They're called "Official Collegiate Corner Flags." The base can be filled with sand for extra weight.
You can "Google" around for other types and better prices, but I saw some that are cheaper that I don't think would be very good. For example:
$119.95 for a set of four, but I don't like the metallic 'x' shaped base. They look flimsy and somehow don't look safe if they flipped over and you fell on the 'x' base.
In any case, good luck with your shopping!
Hello All,
ReplyDeleteI updated the Team Gallery on the SASL Website (http://saslsoccer.com) on Sunday, April 4th:
Many thanks to Peter Lowe for a picture of Easton Rhinos SC (Masters League) from November 2009.
Also, many thanks to Ted Cenatiempo of Norwalk Mariners SC (Over-30 League) for pictures from "Keith Lee Segovia Day" on March 28th, 2010 at a special shirt retirement ceremony prior to a friendly match with Milford Tuesday SC. If you may recall, Keith passed away on January 8th, 2010 after losing his battle with colon cancer.
Hello All,
ReplyDeleteI updated the SASL Website (http://saslsoccer.com) on Sunday, April 4th.
1. NEW SASL Rules & By-Laws (Revision: March 20, 2010) -- also includes changes effective for the 2010-11 season kicking off in August 2010.
2. Updated Downloads Page with Master Directory of Playing Fields and Directions -- updated Fred Wolfe Park, Orange and added Town Campus, Madison.
3. Updated Downloads Page with 2009-2010 SASL Team Managers Contact Information -- MUTILPLE UPDATES, too long to list here. Added the contact information of all new teams voted in for the 2010-11 season at the SASL AGM.
4. Removed 2009-2010 SASL Executive Board (Microsoft Word doc). Redundant? Information is also on the front page of the SASL Team Managers Contact Information.
5. Updated 2009-2010 SASL Executive Board (Web page) -- updated Registrar/Treasurer Rich Reddington's email address (which is now richardreddington77@gmail.com).
I have made a lot of updates to the SASL Team Managers Contact Information document (also known as the "Managers' List"), which had not been updated in two months owing to the Website being down and me catching up with so much work. If you have sent me any updates in the past two months, please check that your entry has been updated and all is correct. Thank you!
ReplyDeleteThe following is a summary of MCFC financial status as of April 5th, 2010.
Date $ Deposits $ Payments$ Balance
4/05/10 $2,250.37 $1,255.00 $995.37
SASL (beginning Aug 2010)
21 registered players; 8 players are paid up.
CARSL(beginning 18 Apr)
21 registered players; 9 players paid up
Indoor Session #2
9 registered players; Total payment was $825. We collected $792
Indoor Session #3
9 registered players; Total payment was $625. We collected $585
By end of May, I need to submit $500 payment to SASL. That will leave a balance of + $495 .37.
I propose we use some of the money to purchase 3 new team balls. If you have preference on soccer ball type, feedback much appreciated! We also need to buy corner flags. If you have an estimate of their cost, and where to buy them, let us know.
Our CEO will plan our beer and snack rotation for the upcoming CARSL session.
i can get flags from Urosport. I am a member will get discount.
ReplyDeleteGato You have the best price for the corner flags,
ReplyDeletebut I want to help since the you guys help me to pay at game by game in the indoor secc.
I see they charge 41 plus shipping(correct me if not).So if you agree I will do the flags and I see 72" reflective fiberglass rod for 3.78 plus tax at Lowes they are very flexible.Let me know if you agree and the Team can save 20 bucks.
About balls, on my opinion, I like Nike Tiempo90 Ascente or Omni, they are solid and fast at same time very easy to bend too
Volt and Select, are lasting good balls but heavy.
Ebay have good deals on Nike.
I hope this help you Guys.