If last weeks game was like playing in a Swedish sauna then this time it felt like we were in Dante's inferno. Unfortunately saturating heat and a blinding Sun were only minor problems compared to our real issues with this game. Last minute injuries to Tom A and Ronilldo meant that the team had only 11 players on the day..... on a day that subbing would be critical. On top of that Tano and El Gato had to play the whole 90 minutes while carrying bad injuries. OK, so that's all the excuses out the way and from that you can tell that these are excuses for a rare Madison defeat. Yes, the 12 game undefeated run came to an end as Madison went down fighting against a very well organized and committed Southbury team.
The game got off to the worst of starts with a great goal by Southbury after a midfield/defensive bungle. Southbury caught Madison completely cold in the first 20 minutes of the game, which is quite ironic considering the amount of heat available. Southbury were also subbing out their 16 man squad from very early in the match and had a real game plan to keep there players hydrated and fresh. Madison fought hard to get into the game and to their credit really kept Southbury in their own half or outside the Madison box. Great defending and courageous tackling by Gogglito really shored up the defence at this point in the game as it edge to half time.
Madison had their chances to equalize none more so when Safet raced into the box and tipped the ball wide of the net when it looked easier to score.
After some much needed rest and water at half time Madison started the second half well and had a number of chances to score. Eventually, after one such attack, Safet broke clear again in the opposition box and made up for his earlier miss by slamming in the equalizer. At this point of the game Madison were looking the stronger team and the more likely to go on and win. However, as the half wore on the chances came and went and the heat really began to take it's toll on the Celts. However, it was still a bit of a shock at how easily Southbury scored their winning goal. A ball lost in the midfield was swept out to the Madison left finding an opposition player clear in the box and with minimal challenge he stroked the ball past the stranded Bruce.
The final whistle ended the Madison winning run, Jorge's goalscoring streak and put a bit of a dent on the Celts' defensive record......But, Madison remain on top of the table and this performance shows how strong a team Madison are. Fighting the elements, injuries and up against a fast subbing team they showed true grit and determination. It would have been easy to find an excuse to give up but the team kept going and showed the winning characteristics that have brought them on so far this season.
MAN OF THE MATCH; Gogglito...very brave and consistent defending kept the team in the hunt throughout thew whole
game. Great performances overall by the team considering the challenges
guys, we only have 2 more games left in the CARSL aginast the Woodbridge teams, let's go for big wins and leave the league in style..... SASL schedules were posted last night and i will put more of that on the blog shortly
ReplyDeleteWell reporting John....tough loss for madison and we will regroup for next week to get back on winning again.....only 2 more games with this league and then moving to SASL league
ReplyDeleteFootball is enjoyment. It provides no guarantees of success, or entertainment level, for every victory there is a defeat, for every success, a failure.
goes without saying now johnaldo, but excellent summary of yesterday's match.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately the perfect storm of injuries, vacations and no shows, was in my opinion, the only reason we didn't win yesterday. Sure they were well organized and plenty in number, but in the end, we created most of the scoring chances, but were infortunate not to conver them. I thought you guys played great in the sweltering conditions and showed a lot of fight and determination throughout the match. With Woodbridge drawing against Bridgeport, we're still on top of the table!!!
Tom...yes...2 games left... let's go out strongly!
ReplyDeleteWell done John. I wish I could have stopped the second goal from happening. But with my condition at the end I am lucky I didn't pass out. That was such an easy and crazy goal by them. Goggelito, Jorge and Arniesto played real hard. Too bad we came short this time but we sill have two more weeks to go.
ReplyDeleteScotland trip~ For those guys that have agreed to take a trip to play in a 7 aside tournament in late September this is the last call before flights are booked....so far we have Me, Roniildo, Jodingo!! and BOR......any others please tell me now!
ReplyDeleteEl Gato
ReplyDeletetough game for you considering you were playing with an injury.... but you hung in there!
With 3 front line players in the box I lost sight of the one to the left of me...by the time I turned it was too late... my fault guys it shouldn't have been so easy for him. That goals on me..............
ReplyDeleteGuys....Importnat news...our first game in SASL will be Sunday August 15th It will be an away game against Orange..... Kick off at 9am!!
ReplyDeleteSASL Field Directions now up on the pages blog
ReplyDeleteGreat run guys!
ReplyDeleteNow it's time to start another one.
ReplyDeleteJust looked at our SASL Schedule:
ReplyDeleteSo far there are only 9 games scheduled for Fall up to OCT 24th and hope they will schedule more games into November for us....but here it is:
8/15 Orange/Madison
8/22 Albanian/Madison
8/29 Wallingford/Madison
9/12 East Haven/Madison
9/19 Madison/Guilford
9/26 Hamden/Madison
10/3 Madison/N. Branford
10/17 Madison/Orange
10/24 Madison/Albanian
4 home games on 9/19, 10/3, 10/17 and 10/24. First Home game is on 9/19
Behrooz the field Coordinator to reserve field for those dates please
SASL Website now up on pages section
ReplyDeleteHulk.... we work as a unit in defense so no need to take the blame for yourself
ReplyDeleteYou can just copy/paste the SASL schedule I just posted here and save as SASL fixture
Sorry to hear we took a loss. I wish I could've helped our cause. We will win next week and the week after!
ReplyDeleteSASL Schedule now up on pages section
ReplyDeleteJodingo!! yes, we need the full squad for the next two games.... in this weather subbing is a critical factor!
ReplyDeleteJorge get Carlos to come to the game. La Boca is due to be back too...Roniildo, you might want to verify.
ReplyDeleteJodingo!! Carlito has been missing for several weeks... playing with another team
ReplyDeleteIll be back next week. good showing in my absense. LaBoca
ReplyDeleteTom there will be no games in November.... they use this for make up games
ReplyDeleteLa Boca
ReplyDeletegreat...will be good to see you again!
Welcome back LaBoca :-)
ReplyDeleteAre we definitely having a picnic next week?
I am calling Carlito today to find out if he is committed to play for our team in the new league or if he plans to play for us only if he has no other games anywhere else in the State
Enough analysis of yesterday ! Let's plan on a huge turnout the next 2 weeks, and let's score a boat load of goals, that will hopefully be sufficient for us to win the league!
ReplyDeleteHulk, have a great week fishing, and I hope you catch a ton of tuna….
Do we need a keeper Sunday? Kevin?
ReplyDeletePink...At least show up for the picnic!
ReplyDeleteI remember from the past the SASL Fall season ends in early November or Mid-November. This time they cut it too short and we will be looking for other teams to play friendly games starting 10/31
ReplyDeleteThere are only 9 games per season on SASL. 9 in the fall ending in October and 9 in Spring ending first week of July.
Tom, there was always 9 games in fall and 9 games in spring in SASL. Nothing has changed. And they always end in October, November is only for make-up games.
ReplyDeleteEl Gato, can you put dates on the Fall. Trying to figure out how much Googo will be able to play during the "football" season. He should be completely available for the Spring session, because he played this Spring!
ReplyDeleteRoniildo....what do you mean " put dates on the Fall" all the dates are there
ReplyDeleteJohnaldo...just ignore. i was being stupid. I just want to ask Tim how many of the games in the Fall and Spring he will play in!
ReplyDeleteI have to said something about yesterday:
ReplyDelete...No comments.(then will be useless this blog )
We need people who sign and show all games.
I like to take off for a wile, until I feel 100% competitive, I can't play like this waiting for passes, like Jack said to me in one point" Why I passed to you if you lose the ball?.
Jorge doesn't connect well to me eider, and Safet ignore me the I'll play side to side with him.
My conclusion is: I can't be right and 4 or 5 guys wrong, it must be something wrong with me then.
Why this happen ? (say something to me, please, that's why this blog exist).
I can help any one to tell you what you doing wrong, but I can't do it to my self, I don't have the outside perspective, we don't play in front of the mirror. I feel so frustrated many games out there on front try to looking an empty spot moving side to side stay close with the weak defender, check if I'm outside position and then ask for passes but nothing happen.
Is this true? or what is it? please say something.
I don't get offended if you are coherent in your critics, but we need to help each others little be more.We don't have a practice together and I'm sorry but I don't swallow that we doing good so far.
I see no communication in the field.
If some one need help talk, if some one walk talk.
Yestarday in one time Jorge said:(vamos Ruben baja chucha estas caminado) means vamos Ruben help down here fuck you are walking, and that help me to run a little be more.
In defense if Ronny don't open his mouth the rest are quiet. We can play quiet if we practice like pro and if we have a coach, but not in our condition.
If You have three guys around you don't call for a pass, be honest and help the guy who carry the ball and tell him if some one approach from behind or if he have a shot.
Is no stars in this league guys.I will try 3 more games if it doesn't work for us as a striker, I play defense.
I know how play back there.
And ones again sorry if I lose my temper and said offenses thing to my Team players.
It was the heat?
Sorry for such a long post.
ReplyDeleteI hear you where you coming from and I am going to talk to you when I see you about some of your concerns
Tano, I didn't witness the game, but please don't feel it's you who is doing something wrong. We have improved as a team, but we still have a VERY LONG way to go in positive communications and teamwork. I can't count the number of times I've stood wide open next to a teammate as he attempted to go straight forward thru an opposing player, only to lose the ball. Why is it so difficult to pass to the open man? Basic soccer....we need to find the simple, easy passes more often. And, yes, it's extremely frustrating to be that open man and not seem to be seen.
ReplyDeleteTano.... it is very frustrating when you are in space and don't get a simple pass.
ReplyDeleteA few thoughts from my perspective...
Eevry time i get the ball I am always looking to make a pass.... apart from my crazy run last week... I am not looking to beat 3 or 4 players and take a 40 yard shot....why? I know my limitations and I know the chances of that sort of move being succesful. It's called playing the percentages.... How succesful will i be making a 3 yard pass to my team mate? Greater than 90%! What are my chances of dribbling past 2 or 3 players?... less than 20% Maybe a lot less! What are my chances of scoring a goal from greater than 30 yards out? Less than 5%
But look at what we do on the field!! Its all dribbling and shooting from huge distances! Let's get back to simple passing.... play the percentages to our advantage!....short passes to a player in space will work many more times than a dribble and selfish, outlandish shot from 30 yards!!
Tano, sorry! but I never said to you: "Why I passed to you if you lose the ball?" I would never say that to you or anybody else... I'm more constructive in my criticisms than that. I did say to you something at one point (Let me get control of the ball before I can pass it to you) when you were upset because I didn't pass to you while I was trying to shield the ball against their defender who was kicking my legs; however I would never tell you someting like this... it must have been someone else. If you know me, I will scream at the general mass if I feel that they do not run, or shout to pass the ball to your teammate who is 5 feet in front of you instead of carrying the ball to him, or should I say waisting your energy, like I did shout at Johnaldo - hope you are not upset (make the ball work for you). Anyway, like Jodingo said there is still work to do in our overall team motivation kills, but we've come a long way. Finaly, your last commment is accurate.. "If You have three guys around you don't call for a pass".. I know for a fact that I will turn with the ball, somebody will shout for a pass and by insinct I will pass it just to realize that the person is not only cover by a defender but there is 1-2 players in the passing lane (I am being ironic but you can see the point)?!??!?! Why do the person call for the ball then?!??!?!? Worst, I get yelled by the person because I didn't connect with him?!??!?!
ReplyDeleteLets face this was a bad passing game which is unusual for our current roster because we had players playing our of their seasonal position or being exhausted... So little Tano, do not take criticism seriously for this game.
Now, Kevinho is MIA in vacation, so we might have a serious problem in goal next weekend. El Gato is nursering is feline paw! Bor is out indefinitively on his bike! maybe Bambi could step in goal!
Ribs extremely sore--front and back--from three combined whallops all in roughly the same spot. Probably a cracked, or at least badly bruised, rib... Will keep you posted, but not looking good at least for the next game....
ReplyDeleteTano...watching from sidelines, as you pointed out to me is a much better way to get perspective during the match. It is tough to measure what is going on when you are playing up front. For my 2c, I think I saw some interesting plays yesterday. Rather than people ignoring others, I think it is more a case of guys keeping their eyes down and always on the ball for fear of loosing it because good ball control is not intuitive for everyone. The other thing I noticed was a lot of interesting passing or dribbling choices. Often all that is needed is a simple side foot pass (not a shot) to someone who is a couple of yards away, yet most of the time we make different choices, and this gets back to keeping the eyes down, and not seeing all the simpler options. You can address these fundamentals by practicing together, so that when a poor choice is made you stop the action and talk (not shout) through the better options. Until we all retire or give up our day jobs, it will be hard to have regular practice. I can only suggest we try to have more fun with the mathes, and be supportive when things don’t go the way we would like.
ReplyDeleteTano, if you want to play defense, I can try up front when I’m fit again. You mentioned this idea before, and I’d like to give it a try….With LaBoca back next week, the back 4 won’t need me in D anyway :-)
wow my post is bigger than Johnaldo'report.. sorry for the mistakes, it took me 5 min. to write and i didn't spellproof! but I can write it again in French, spanish and sweedish (drunk) - with even more errors :o)
ReplyDeleteSee you next Sunday (roll call):
La Boca
La Boca
Fribeka i wasn't offended by you shouting at me... just slightly deafened! There were 3 of you all grouped together.... You, Jorge and Talet....all shouting for the ball.... i could see all of you an wanted to see who was about to be closed out by the two opposition players running towards you.... that's why i took a bit of time to choose.... that's all.... i was thinking
ReplyDeleteLa Boca
is the picnic happening or are we going for the last minute scramble?
ReplyDeleteyes....picnic is on.... i will bring burgers and buns
ReplyDeleteJohnaldo, I was telling you to pass it to Jorge to make your choice easier and to avoid to be blamed if we loose the ball :o)
ReplyDeleteagain, lets be proactive on the keeper situation, because being #8 on the backup list, I will not suit up...:o) so! coaches make arrangements!
Tano.... another observation about the guys up front.... we take too long to decide what to do... or too long to get the ball under control... this usually mean "we" lose the ball immediately or we decide to dribble pass a few defenders to get space or time.... as if any defence will let you do that! I am a firm believer that if you are in the box and the ball comes anywhere near you that you shoot on sight.... that's how you surprise the goalie and the defenders.... and maybe yourself by scoring!! ;o)
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeletethanks Van der Saar..... that's why i passed to Talet!.....
ReplyDeleteI am in this Sunday as a Goalie. No worries guys El Gato has you covered. :-)
ReplyDeleteLa Boca
El Gato (goalie!)
cool B&W focal effect on the photo...ok-back to the game discussion....
ReplyDeletehey LOTB! Thanks for noticing! None of the other bloggers care about my artistic side.....
ReplyDeletewas it like that earlier today? I need my eyes tested again...
ReplyDeletecall into Kevinho too, and Bambi as a possible, bit looks like Gato has us covered
ReplyDeletemaybe Bambi is still in Hawaii.... a no show for Sunday.....
ReplyDeletethese next two games are Bambi's last chance for a run out until his birthday!
ReplyDeleteBambi, don't waste those few remaining moments (games) of youthfulness (probably not a word)! Once you pass 40, all skill components goes downhill! I have the perfect examples every Sunday with my teamates!....wait for it, wait......
ReplyDeleteFinally! Fribeka reveals the truth about himself and his skill level
ReplyDeleteI am also trying to sign up Roberto for this Sunday that he could play in the goal.
ReplyDeleteI bring watermelon and chips and stuff for snack
Tom (not sure if I can play but we will see)
El Gato
Who is beer boy for Sunday? we may need two!!
ReplyDeleteThank you all those guys who put some effort to this Team and help on the analysis of what was wrong with us last Sunday .I'm cool down now, and I have to be honest to all of you. I hate lose, even to play marbles,You probably see me like I'm okay, but inside I feel like I want you bite you and tear off your jugular.
ReplyDeleteI ask Safet last Sunday to run more and he was very honest and he said: Ruben I worked so hard this week and I'm exaust at ready.
Also I tell Hilhon to run and he just looking at me like saying: "Shut f. up , you run"
I don't really know the condition and the situation of every one and why wants to play in a league instead of scrimmage games, and How much pressure to play good can afford it.
So we have a rainbow of characters, plus the ugly true is that we getting old too, that means to get tired easy, get injured easy, get grumpy easy, and finally give up easy.
If we put all this thing in the blender we get a last game salsa or the worse is an indifference act of all about our Team. That's why appreciate sincerely all the post and comments and the players who shows every Sunday.
I don't feel less responsible than any one, because I love soccer and I love play with people who love it as I do,So participate in a competitive league whit a good Team is matter to me more than you think.
I will come back in a better shape than anyone else of this team "I promise" I will do it for the guys who trust in me, like a good player, or better than that, who trust like a good person to share some moments on this sport.
Thank you again, Madison Celtics.
ReplyDeleteI' so sorry to heard that.
Get better soon my friend.
I'll play this sunday. Carlos is coming too. I'll bring eggplant parmesan for BBQ. For all then i've read above i can say, soccer, soccer, me gusta el futbol!!!!!! Controversial!
ReplyDeleteAs I said I'll be the goalie this Sunday.
ReplyDeleteI'll bring some beer. Charcoal, paper products and utensils.
ReplyDeleteEl Gato Rules!
ReplyDeletejorge...awesome to see you back on the blog. Please post more. Will be good to see Carlos back in action too......
ReplyDeletei'll bring mustard, ketchup and relish. Soft drinks for the kids and alcoholics....
El Gato
El Flaco
El Gato
El Flaco
Tom, Is that the same watermelon you brought to the last picnic?
ReplyDeleteprodigious memory Jodingo!! Remind me never to cross you :-)
ReplyDeleteTano, I totally understand where you are coming from. As a kid, you grew up playing high quality football, and you have the strategic eye for the game too. In some ways this is a curse at this time, if you find it tought to control the emotions. You see something play out in your mind ahead of a lot of us, and when we don't execute it can feel very frustrating. But the bottom line is that in our minds we feel like 22, but the camera just doesn't lie...just look at some of Annie's photo galeries :-). I hate to loose matches as well. Hell, when I was a growing up my whole weekend would be shot if Celtic lost their match on a Saturday!!! We'll bounce back on Sunday, and let's learn from last week and move on.....
ReplyDeleteAre we playing at the Town Campus? If so, what's the plan for reserving picnic tables and getting us all into the Surf Club?
ReplyDeleteWho has beach passes to surfclub? I should say I do not have a pass. Goggalito? Tom Judge? Are the only other two Madison residence who might have a pass. Or Scott might have one if he would like to join us. The game is at Town Campus. If they stop the cars at the gate its $25 a car to get a one day beach pass...
ReplyDeleteWe might want to cramp up and car pool to he surf club incase there is a problem. Also its supposed to be nice a nice day so we need an early bird to get a picnic table a nd a grill reserved.
ReplyDeleteI forgot about BOR he is also a Madison resident. BOR do you have a pass?
ReplyDeleteI'm Agree Roniildo, move on! and part of that for me is getting in better shape, and have fun at the picnic.I Hope LOTB be there too and Jodingo is not excuse this time for your Colombians lovers, so bring some.
ReplyDeleteLa Boca Welcome back.
I will do my best for see if I can play next weekend but I don't think so was to much run last week for my injured hamstring so I my be out sorry guys.
I bring some empanadas argentinas.
ReplyDeleteMaradona is not more the Argentinian Coach.
Tano, Mi Colombian amiga will be in Colombia this weekend, you'll have to chase the "Ladies of Madison" on their beach!
ReplyDeleteGreat news about Maradona!
Hi Guys,
ReplyDeleteI got Back from Hawaii Sunday at around 2 PM jetlagged as hell... wish I could have made the game. I will definitely be there this Sunday, I'll be happy to play in goal if El Gato wants to stay in the field... I'll be in goal anyway if I play any in SASL in the fall.
P.S. - Tano, beach fishing for Stripers is really tough after about June. They tend to be in the rivers in May/June but tend to go back to the offshore reefs in July and later. There may still be the occasional fish if you try off the DEP dock at the bottom of the CT river, but you almost have to have a boat to make it to the reefs to have much of a shot by now.
welcome back Bambi
ReplyDeleteArniesto...how are your ribs. Cn you play this week?
El Gato
El Flaco
Tano, my son who is at sailing camp in New Haven harbor this week tells me blues were busting all around all day--pretty good size. I love catching them on the surface with a fly rod... The pier at the Sound school is fairly close to where he saw some good schools....
ReplyDeleteAs per other comments, one thing that really threw me in the last game is I went in as a central midfielder, but after a few minutes, discovered no one was playing on the right wing (everyone seemed to think they were central mids). I switched out there, and after a few more minutes was asked to switch into defense.... I certainly am willing to try to play anywhere, but I am probably not the best man for D.... Also was frustrated to be moving around so much. Then in the 2nd half after my injury, was just trying to keep myself moving.... I do think we all need to trust each other more with the ball (give it to the man who's open, especially if he's checking-to or working hard to make a run, and if he screws up, be sure to give it right back to him soon, so he doesn't lose confidence) and give position assignments that are decided on at the start of the game time before shuffling people around (also, just one person should be in charge of this....) If changes need to be made, make them with subs or at half time. When I was told to play D, the clear implication seemed to be that I wasn't working hard enough/doing the right thing in midfield position. Tano, you're a model for giving criticism/advice on and off the field in a constructive/non-conflictive way. Let's learn from each other and have fun out there.
Ribs still quite sore, so likely I won't make it against my old team, though hoping I can.
Gotcha Bambi I keep that on mind and welcome back.
ReplyDeleteThank you Arniesto for the bluefish info,
I have 8 porgy yesterday around 8 to 10 inches good size for fried and serve with tartar sauce, very close to my house.
I can't play either but bring your son and we keep talking about soccer private lesson idea.
Arniesto..Do you have body armor you can bring? Big shame to miss the match against Woodbridge! The more fun we have out there, the better we will develop as a team. As CFO, perhaps I will start to fine anyone who is nasty or discourteous to a team mate :-)..that should work!
ReplyDeleteTano - Hope there's no DEP agents hanging around where you live...legal limit on keeping Porgies is 10 1/2 inches...
If you need to know what 10 1/2 inches looks like, I'm sure Susan Boyle can show you.
ReplyDeleteI'm more worry for ICE and DEA than DEP, but thank you any ways for your advice.
ReplyDeleteI will bring burgers and buns...Johnaldo
I bring watermelon and chips and stuff for snack....... Tom A
I'll bring eggplant parmesan for BBQ..... Jorge
I'll bring some beer. Charcoal, paper products and utensils......El Gato
I'll bring mustard, ketchup and relish. Soft drinks for the kids and alcoholics....Roniildo
I bring some empanadas argentinas.....Tano
I will bring bruised Ribs.... Arniesto
Guys I understand I'm the new kid on the block but I have happily played with you guys all season and seen many beautifully played games. Unfornately lossing tends to bring out the uglyness. Unfornately I can not be there for you all this weekend but in my humble oponion we need to get back to the basics of what has made us the great team we have become and I quote the word TEAM. If that happens everything else will take care of itself. We have a great team and maybe its time to get back to the basics. Communicate,support your teammates and do the things that have made us who we are and the team that is feared by the league. Do this and sunday will be ours.
ReplyDeleteOne more:
El Gato
El Flaco
Safet (he said he will try to bring kababs)