Twelfth Night (II, v, 156-159) Shakespeare or La Boca?
Another game that was there for the taking; another game that slipped away from the Celts. Although Woodbridge were clearly one of the more organized teams that Madison have played, they did not deserve to get a point out of this match. Madison controlled possession of the ball and were the more inventive and aggressive team throughout the vast majority of the game. However, they fell to the twin problems of not taking chances when they arrived and contriving to be punished heavily for a couple of rare defensive lapses.
A strong and deep Madison squad turned out on a gloriously sunny morning ready to put their unbeaten record to the test again. The much anticipated, and feared, 22 man squad did not actually happen on the day due to last minute injuries, call offs and party recuperation's.
The team that did take the field quickly got into their stride pressing the opposition and getting some early shots in to test the Woodbridge goalkeeper. The Celts defense was once again in superb form dealing easily with every attack and setting up most of the early midfield play. However, after a strong start the Celts started to lose their way and some of the passing became woeful, compounded by bad decison making and an inability to see a team mate unmarked and available. The Celts were struggling to find a fellow player in space and sometimes sent forty yard passes up the field to no one in particular when a short pass would have been more effective. This player "blindness" got so bad that Dejan could have opened up a hot dog stand on his side of the field without attracting the attention of his team mates. Luckily for the Celts the Woodbridge team were equally as bad at holding on to the ball. As the half progressed it still looked like the Celts were the more likely team to score so it came as a shock when Woodbridge managed to take advantage of a rare defensive error to squeeze the ball past Bruce to go one up. The Celts tried to respond after this setback but were clearly knocked out of their stride and were happy when the half ended to allow them to regroup.
The second half started very strongly for Madison with some great attacking runs and shots on goal. Unfortunately most of the shots were going wide or over the bar. Halil was running hard and making the opposition defence work but was having no luck in front of goal. Arniesto and Ilhan were having the same problems. Although the Celts were chasing an equalizer their shooting was becoming increasingly erratic. Just when it looked as though it was going to be one of those days Dejan got the ball wide on the Madison left. For a split second he noticed the Woodbridge goalie a few yards off his line and fired in a superb arcing shot right over his head from a good thirty yards out and into the net. A fantastic equalizer which really galvanised the team to push forward even harder. And though Woodbridge were still somewhat of a threat moving forward it was clear that Madison were the team going for the win. And the go ahead goal for the Celts, when it came, was another stunner. Halil received a a wonderful ball from Telat, controlled it in the penalty box, shimmied past a defender and slammed a beautiful shot past the despairing dive of the Woodbridge goalie. Madison now in their full pomp, pushed for the third goal that would effectively finish off the game. Several attempts at goal came close including a great shot by BOR that crashed off the post and a gilt edged chance for Arniesto to score against his old team. It was not to be, and as surely as the Earth turns upon its axis, Madison must also give up cheap goals. This time a penalty, as a hard hit ball that smashed off Gogglitos hand was judged to be deliberate. A brave attempt by Bruce was not enough to stop the equalizer but it set the scene for a non stop siege of the Woodbridge goal. The last ten minutes of the game saw chances come and go for the Celts but they could not get their nose back in the lead. An unfortunate draw for a team that deserved so much more. On the plus side Madison are still unbeaten after four games all on the road. Some strong defensive play just needs the reward of a bit of luck up front. Maybe someone has to get out there and try to achieve some greatness, no reason to be afraid of that? Shakespeare knew a thing or two about great plays.......
Ode To La Boca ( By Arniesto....)
To score or not to score—that is the question:
Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The shots and volleys of outrageous fortune,
Or to take aim against a solid crossbar
And, by opposing, score them. To shoot, to sleep
No more—and by a goal to say we end
The heartache of a thousand natural misses
That flesh is heir to—‘tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To shoot, to score
To score, perchance to win. Ay, there’s the rub,
For in that dream of goals what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this trodden soil
Must give us pause. There’s the respect
That makes calamity of such long fields.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of …La Boca……
MAN OF THE MATCH; Johnaldo..... and why not? Strangely, he very rarely gets mentioned in these reports but he had a reasonably effective game and just beat out Telat and Halil to the award this week!

Great day for me... WHY?
ReplyDeleteInter Champion
Barca Champion
Argentinos Junior Champion
Madison Celt tie (who cares after a good time that we have at the Jodinno RaperBar).
Great galvanized report John!
You just forget to mention how wide the field was.(hehe Tom sorry I can't resist the temptation)
Next time Tom A. if you bring your daughter make Johnaldo assistance please, he have very hard time today in filming take pics and be the men of the game to much for our press director.
About our subs today I confess the I was confuse a little bit about some players, where they feel comfortable to play and where the play better.
But at the end everybody play some, even me with my injured foot I played 15min, so we cool, right?
Another strong report from the bard of the match. One minor editorial suggestion:
ReplyDelete"Ronildo took the pass from Telat and steered his eagle-eyes goalward where he found Arniesto waiting unmarked. In a heartbeat, Arniesto had to process a wave of stimuli--the pounding feet of the onrushing defender, Ronildo's shrieking brogue insisting on the return pass, and from behind him, where he couldn't see, the faint voice of Halil, almost a whisper, asking for the ball....Arniesto chose the simplest, but most graceful option--he snapped open his legs, and let the ball run through to a waiting Halil, who brilliantly finished...."
ReplyDeleteYes, that was a pretty slick move...I've seen some women do that...but, certainly worth mentioning to your credit.
I was quite proud of the team effort to imbibe as much beer as could be reasonably be expected. We did well at the cooler! A 90-minute tailgate does NOT result in the safest of drivers!
And, Johnaldo was 'voted' Man-of-the Match??? By whom? I want to see the tally card!! Kidding Das Boot, great game!
Tano...great day for you yesterday...all your teams won...well almost all!
ReplyDeleteArniesto...methinks i have a competitor! I will be missing for next Sundays game if you want to have a go at doing a full report?
Jodingo!!...Great beer! and a very interesting tailgate....the only thing missing form your serial killer boot was a body suit made of human skin! or have you been wearing that all the time?
So clearly I missed a great time at the tailgate....I hear there are 4 beers saved for me?
ReplyDeleteJohnaldo-excellent match report and photos! I had some moments of laughing out loud and Arniesto is definitely giving you a run for your money.
I don't think I want to know about the human skin body suit...(it puts the lotion in the basket or it gets the hose again....)
Yes, Annie, you missed an epic tailgate, but we managed to save 4 beers for you...you'll have to collect soon, and just wait til you see all the ropes...
ReplyDeleteAnnie.... i'm sure i saw somebody like Jodingo!! in Silence of the Lambs.... he has improved the body suit he wears now
ReplyDeleteHa Ha! Jodingo!! I can do without the ropes when I drink my beer! Next thing I know you'll be trying to eat someone's liver with a nice chianti and fava beans.... (Right Johanaldo?)
ReplyDeleteut oh....I'm starting to think I'm just as scary as Jodingo!! quoting lines from Silence of the Lambs!
Tough tie to swallow considering that it was sadly rewarded on a hand ball, and condidering that the ref. did not called any hand ball throughout the game, but we are still undefeated....:o)
ReplyDeleteOn my side, I was upset and I will speak my mind now and put it to rest. I spent 25 min. on the bench in the second half (for a game total of ~45 min.), and specially the last 15 min. of the game. Now, I'm the first one to say/believe that everybody should play equal amount of time, because it is over-40 recreational soccer, but given that I wasn't tired having finished the first half and started the second half on the bench, and that I was not a "nuisance" by all means on the field....for me to spend the last 15 min. of the game watching from the bench was frustrating. Again, I absolutely like to play with you guys, but my family time will come first from now on regardless of how many players show up for any given game.
Good report Johnaldo... most of you were probably drunk after the game and signed MOM voting cards given by Johnaldo with only his name on them... :o)
Hey... i'm staying out of this serial killer chat.... you never want to get those types annoyed!
ReplyDeleteGood reporting Johnaldo. I guess we will see you in couple of weeks
ReplyDeleteHow about funnels with long tubes attached? Ha! Tano!
ReplyDeleteYes Johnaldo-I agree-no more serial killer chat!
ReplyDeleteJodingo!! thanks for saving me some beers. I may have to wait to the first home game to collect-you guys are playing so far away from me!
Trying to follow the logic...so, ropes when not drinking then?
ReplyDeleteAll, I will catch up with you in a few weeks! Good luck and let's win!
Wow Fribeka!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the support for my MOM award!....??
The subbing stuff evens out over a season.... we know that the actual core squad is around 14 players.... as we go through the summer we will need everyone.. But i do agree that there is no reason for people to be standing on the side for more than 10 minutes...but it does mean people have to get off the field when asked. A number of times i heard Ronnie ask a player to sub and they said no....that has to change...the other thing is that everyone thinks they are fitter than they are.... they say they can last a whole game and don't need to sub.... well if you are walking through a game and not busting a gut then of course you can last a whole game! I would prefer for players to get on the field run their hearts out and go off to recover for ten minutes then go back in and do the same thing!
....anyway.... Fribeka couldn't exactly read your meaning but it sounded like you were giving up? Is that correct? Or are you just having a bit of a vent?
In the future, players who want to go into the game should stand and look ready to go into the game. Otherwise, it's easy to assume that the player is still tired, satisfied and/or complacent.
ReplyDeleteGuys This Team is the most friendly Team in the area if you talk about playing time and substitution. I have reason to said that because I was in other Team and believe me new guys have not chance to play more than 10 min and the only ones with priority is, if you have skills and run all the time.
ReplyDeleteOr some one want to join Black Eagles perhaps? (you'll see what I'm talking about)
I seen guys jogging all the game and some ones don't sweat at all but that is not a big deal for me until some one get upset for not been playing enough time.
Another thing is, Tom lets us play by our self, no tough coaching or big pressure about how some one playing, there just only friendly comments, that all, so far we didn't lose any game or arguing each others so bad.
This year we have a big roster list is good because if we play harder or get injured we have sub for everyone.
Our first game was just one sub and at the end forwards players can't barely run include it me, but when I look outside for a sub it just was Joggellito injured on the bench, so no subs.
So please guys don't start to crying about how much you playing please!! and do like pro always do, when you have a change to play do it hard and leave all what you have in the field, I bet you the no one wants to pull you out if you run (no jogging) and play all over the field.
You probably get tired and ask for sub before some one call you out.
Be cool guys this Teams is the best choice. seriously!!.
Don't leave us, you will crying alone at the bar all Sundays morning or the worse thing you will spend 80 dollars at the brunch buffet and you'll get a fat ass like my brother in law in two months.
But you can go to the church and prey for us to win, Thank you.
I guess if anyone who should be complaining is me but I am not. We should know are limits but as John said most guys are avoiding that and think they are in great shape and skill. As we move to SASL it becomes much more competitive and this nonsense about getting equal play time should stop. We are also here to win so if it comes that better players get more play time so be it. My son plays in a league and some games if he is not performing he hardly gets any play time. Let's have fun and at the same time cheer for the whole team to win and stop counting minutes.
ReplyDeleteWow! Prodigious report this week Johnaldo, particularly the 3rd paragraph, without any decline in quality….very impressive!
ReplyDeleteBefore I forget Arniesto, appreciate the nod, and your accurate assessment of goal#2 ;o)
Very impressed with the lofty eloquence of Arniesto….you’ve really upped the ante on “Math of the Day report”
Fristrapa…sorry to hear you were so frustrated in the 2nd half…as captain I feel some responsibility (but not too much ;o)). We should all get together at Auger’s for a sit down (next week when Johnaldo returns form his European tour) and come to a consensus on how we want to deal with bench time on this team. To sub or not to sub—that is the question that seems to be the most relevant at the moment! Fristrapa, You and some others want equal playing time for all no matter what the situation, and others prefer playing more competitively and strategically, with the object of trying to win each game. Technically CARSL is a recreational league (however you interpret that euphemism), but the new league is not tainted with the dreaded “R” word, which brings along that false sense of no competition! How many teams have you played in the last 2 years, who treat the match like a senior walk in the park? Because it is over 40, does not mean that it is crap, and that the outcome is irrelevant to the many guys who show up week after week, and have done so for years! I am very confident that we can fine tune our system to accommodate everyone who really wants to play for the club…
On a happier and funnier note, I won’t touch on Jodingo!!’s car boot contents…I need to run, as “ I am having an old friend for dinner”
Nice Roniildo! Another Slience quote-I am not alone...
ReplyDeleteI don't want to interrupt the team tactics discussion, but I gotta say, you guys need to come up with a weekly award for the best blog comment.
Tano, clearly wins, even though it's only Monday:
"Don't leave us, you will crying alone at the bar all Sundays morning or the worse thing you will spend 80 dollars at the brunch buffet and you'll get a fat ass like my brother in law in two months"
I had tears in my eyes I was laughing so hard. Thanks Tano. Made my day.
Roniildo, Susan B? Just remember, "Beauty is but a light switch away!"
ReplyDeleteAnnie...not the only one in tears fron Tano's comments...outstanding. At this rate, Tano would win every week..
ReplyDeleteTano, do you get along well with said "FA" brother in law?
Thanks Annie,
ReplyDeleteI will high my bets on eBay for your future lens ;-).
I do get well with my brother in law just because I'm good in Argentinian Asados (barbecue).
Ha ha Tano-you are funny! Roniildo is right-you might win every week!
ReplyDeleteJodingo!! I'll have to get back to you on the ropes.....I can't follow my own logic....
For the few of you out there who may be baseball fans...Yanks vs. Sox tonight!
ReplyDeleteWell said
Jorge and Carlito, must have been a great party...you missed the game completely ;-)
ReplyDeleteAs captured on film, I repeat, "I have no aspirations to be blog writer," and leave that to the maestro. I am, however, happy to assist, and gladly accept the role of "blog assistant" or even "blog apprentice." Note: If you take any Shakespeare soliloquy and replace certain words with "shot," "goal," "win," etc., the results can be quite inspiring.
ReplyDeleteAs I've said to many of you, I've been quite impressed with the team spirit/community at Madison Celtic--quite a change for the better from the Woodbridge O40 soccer universe. And I think the bottom line is that happier teams play better....On that note, the prodigious beer consumption surely helps... I heartily support Ronildo's suggestion to have a frank team discussion about substitution policy. I do think staying out for longer than 10 minutes or so, can allow muscles to stiffen and potentially lead to injury or needing extra time to get warm and back into a rhythm when you do go back on the field....
ReplyDeleteWell said my friend and your note is well taken. Just remember this is a recreational soccer, and not a professional pitch. I am sure some of you may know how other A division teams play and use their subs in order to win at any cost. I have played few friendly and cup games for other A divison teams for two SASL teams before and I have seen how they treat their players and subs. Their mentality is to win at any cost and that's the bottom line (If you don't perform well on the field, you don't play at all and you can be sitting on the bench probably for the whole game). Obviously we are not like those other teams and we would like to give opportunity to all players who show up and enjoy a good competetive Sunday morning soccer. But in order to do well as a team, we need to be a fitter team (we all know that and some of us are fitter than others) and I know is easier said than done but that's the really. Equal playing time doesn't work for all except may be for the Goal keeper depending on the type of the game for that day of course. We have players with different skills, fitness level, and stamina. A better player, fitter player can perform better obviously on the field and can play longer than an unfit player. That's just common sense. So let's not complain about equal playing time but instead cheer for the team to win like Behrooz said. He should be the one complaining that played less than anyone else on Sunday.
Quick Note from the new guy.... I've not been playing with you guys long enough to feel comfortable sharing an opinion on the equal time/win at all cost thing. My only request is that we do establish the policies one way or the other so that we all know what to expect. I understand the necessity or having a large squad to be able to field a squad during summer, I'll have my share of absences. One last idea...I have played before on teams that handle the sub issue by setting a limit per game (for instance 11 + 4 subs but no more)... if more people can make a particular game the extra folks rotate. Cheering on the team is fun, no question, but some of us will choose to do other things if we're not going to play a decent amount in a particular game. For instance, I caught around 5 stripers this weekend... and unfortunately beat the crap out of my propellor on a rockpile just outside the channel in the CT river... Sigh.. It would have been a hell of a lot cheaper to sit on the bench and root you guys on!
ReplyDeleteBambi! Wow... 5 strippers in one weekend..? that's almost Jodingo!! standard....i can see why you might be a bit tired!
ReplyDelete5 is actually pretty easy this time of year, Most are schoolies (20-28 inches) and not legal to keep. My friend's boat with 3 people on it caught and released about 20 fish Saturday evening. The legal fish we've been finding have all still been just over the limit. Need a little more warming of the water and a little more bait for the big ones to come in.
ReplyDelete5 strippers, under 28 inches and not legal....Bambi and Johnaldo, not sure where you guys are going with this! Ha!
ReplyDeleteBambi's pretending to ignore where johnaldo was going :-))
ReplyDeleteRoster for this Sunday's Woodbridge match:
Cut and paste your name to list if you are IN
Tom A (50/50)
I am 50/50 for this sunday. My U13G team is in Clinton Tournament on Saturday and depending on placement they might play on Sunday. I should know for sure by Saturday if I can play or not.
Johndaldo's Stripper reference angles dollar bills not gills :)
ReplyDeleteNow we know what Bambi was doing this past weekend. catching illegal strippers!!
ReplyDeleteSome of our new players don't have a jersey number and we need to take care of this situation quick. This way we don't need to deal with this game after game and every player should have a number. The following is the list of player numbers that I know of. Please correct, edit or add if a number is missing or incorrect. If you don't have a number, we will assign you one:
Tom 10
John 7
Behrooz 18
Jacque 5
Jody 8
Danny 6
Rob 2
Ron 9
Carlos 12
Tom J
Once we complete all the numbers, I can let you know where to go to number your jersey. I know some of us don't read the blog and need to contact those players by phone please. I would really like to get this done before the Sunday game.
Thanks for your help
Arniesto... I will keep #9, so you can select a number!
ReplyDeleteI have Shirt# 32 and #11
ReplyDeleteBut I can sale the royalty of both # for about una J.W. blue label.
You can send via FED-EX priority mail and this the best price online>>>>
I am in for this Sunday and go for some strippers I mean stripers after the game this Sunday with Bambi. Looks like is having a lot of fun on weekends......
ReplyDeleteAccording to our new substitution policey......wWhen it's time for Strippers we'll have to sub Bambi for a 28+ incher :)
ReplyDeleteI hate missing a good joke... I didn't even notice Johnaldo's quip in the original answer... although I'm not sure if I could have done better than a followup post about 'schoolies' even if I had noticed...
ReplyDeleteI'm in this weekend, please assign me a random number and I should be able to get it put on my shirt. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteCan you speak for Bruce, and the new tryout player?
Tom A (50/50)
El Gato
Arniesto and dejan?
Tom A (50/50)
El Gato
Safet(new guy)
Have to check with Bruce...his daughter is in Clinton Tournament too
so is mine, but i'm playing for Celtic anyway :-)
ReplyDeletePlease submit your jersey numbers if you haven't done so that we can complete the list. I beleive Dejan, Halil, Kevin, Tim, Todd, Bambi, Bruce, and Arnie don't have a number
I see the #1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-14-15-18-32 are belong to players at ready, the rest are available.
ReplyDeleteI'm in for Sunday--though will have to scoot at the half, I think (kids have piano recital at 12:30--totally forgot till today). Ronildo, what should I do with the #9 jersey? I'm happy to purchase a new one, if that's required...
ReplyDeleteIntel on Woodbridge: watch out for their skinny striker--deceptively quick. Will not hesitate to shoot. Physical play is the antidote.
Tom A
El Gato
Arniesto, return it to me when you purchase your own.
Quiet today gang!
ReplyDeleteCheer yourelf up...check out the 45 yard free kick goal on Yahoo sports....LaBoca could try this on Sunday :-)
Roniildo-I was thinking the same thing! I was quite enjoying the stripper vs. striper discussions!
ReplyDeleteAmazing free kick! thanks for the break! :o)
ReplyDeleteI saw that goal the goalkeeper have not hands he have a plenty time to catch that ball and he just look how the ball went in hehehe.
El gato may catch that ball easly.
I like better Dejan goal and our press didn't film that goal.
so much for the big squad problem?....didnt last long did it?
ReplyDeleteTano sorry i missed filming the goal.... i was too busy doing the following;
ReplyDeletea) playing
b) taking a photo
c) shouting at someone
D) thinking about my report
e) all of the above
ReplyDeleteWe may have these numbers avialble or I don't who's wearing it: 1,3,4,11,13,14,15,16,17,19, 20, 21, 22 and 23
Please let me know if you wearing one of these numbers. A few of these numbers may be retired.
gogglito has no 3
ReplyDeletethat's better....life on the blog
ReplyDeletejohnaldo, i'm getting the impression we have some players who only show up when they know the TV camera is there ;o)
Hey Dejan, I'm putting you on the list for Sunday! If you can't make it, you can take it off :o))
Tom A
El Gato
Officially selecting number 25...
ReplyDeletegreat news...Jorge back in June!!!!
ReplyDeleteSee you then
Update on Jersey Numbers:
ReplyDeleteTom 10
John 7
Behrooz 18
Jacque 5
Jody 8
Danny 6
Rob 2
Ron 9
Elhan 12
Telat 15
Tim 3
Tano 11
Tom J
Tano wear your #11 please.
Jorge, Carlos, Halil, Todd, Kevin, Arnie, Dejan, Bruce and Safet don't have numbers yet. Tom J. has a number but not sure what # he is wearing? Anyone knows?
Sorry, I forgot Bambi. He doesn't have a number either
ReplyDeletebambi wants no 25
ReplyDeleteOK..Bambi #25 is all yours
ReplyDeletetpink is 14
ReplyDeleteneed a number for Annie
ReplyDeleteNew assigned numbers:
ReplyDeleteBruce and Kevin #1
Jorge #21
Carlos #17
Dejan #16
Halil #20
Todd #19
Safet #13
Bambi #25
Arnie #14
Tom J might be wearing #4 but we need to cofirm. Let me know if there are any comments if any. All numbers are black 4" standard size. I have used Guilford Sporting Goods in the past or you can take it to any sporting shop near you. I know typically they need a day or two advance notice specially if they are busy.... but please let's get this done before Sunday. Thanks
be happy to give Annie a number but let me ask her what kind of number she likes
ReplyDeleteBruce and Kevin #1
ReplyDeleteJorge #21
Carlos #22
Dejan #16
Halil #20
Todd #19
Safet #13
Bambi #25
Arnie #23
Hamid #17
Tom P #14
Sorry more revision:
ReplyDeleteBruce and Kevin #1
Jorge #21
Carlos #22
Dejan #16
Halil #20
Todd #19
Safet #13
Bambi #25
Arnie #23
Hamid #17
Tom P #14
If the Judge is in, we're in good shape for Sunday!
Tom A
El Gato
thanks Tom! 29 still available? you know, cause that's how old I am......anyone buying that?
ReplyDeleteTom J. Has #4
ReplyDeleteFiak has #20
ReplyDeleteAstrit had #20 aslo
ReplyDeleteKevin is out?
ReplyDeleteNeed Safet full name and birthday ASAP if he is in SASL too....
ReplyDeleteAnnie yes I'm buying it, but what are you selling?