One of our favourite features on the blog is the very insightful Player Focus Series. This is when we get to see behind the facade of the star soccer player, what makes him tick, ( no...not counting leg calipers and braces! ) what motivates him on and off the field? And, are we kind of scared to find out?
Well, we have some new players in the team and it's time for them to undergo the scalpel like questions and invasive commentary that makes this.....the one and only.....the truly unique......
Player Focus!Our first newbie under the spot light is Maradona's old pal Ruben; We normally have a moment in time to give our new players a nickname and that is usually at player focus time.... We have had names that have stuck like "The Toe" or " Fribeka" and others that were just stupid like "The Heckelator" now BOR, or "Tenbrinhosa" now Jodingo!! So we need to know more about the name and the person before their true nickname appears;
So for Ruben , what do we know?
What is the Global Popularity of the Name Ruben?
#1 in Netherlands
#19 in Spain
#38 in Armenia
#40 in Belgium
#123 in Norway
#259 in United States( so your are really Dutch? )
Fav Player?
Of all time Garrincha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASBIVvT7IPk&feature=fvwand Magico Gonzalez http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xAsXozyqK5Y&feature=related( erm, excuse me?....what about your pal Maradona? He will not be happy when he reads this!!)
Fav Music?
Rock: Genesis, Led Zeppelin, Queen, Yes, Super Tramp,Tears for Fear, etc
R&B: Stevie Wonder.
New Age, Vangelis, Jean Michelle Jarre. ( A yes, the tell tale signs of a child of the sixties and young adult of the late seventies!...... Jean Michelle Jarre....Really?)
Fav Movie?
Saving private Ryan, Gladiator, Blade Runner and Casino ( Oh the violence! and the gambling! )
Fav line?
What we do in life echoes in eternity -GladiatorAll those moments will be lost in time.. like tears in rain.. Time to die -Blade Runner ( you're a cheery soul aren't you? how about supercalifragilisticexpialidocious from Mary Poppins? Just for a wee smile....)
Best moment on a soccer field?
I have many they are like special for me I believe is when I score a free kick because I love to do at the door of the 18 with nice effect on the ball, but I still locking for the scorpion kick and nail it in. ( when I try scorpion kicks I always end up looking like a dead salmon!)
Nickname at school?
Tano (nick name for Italians in Buenos Aires) ( So, are Irish guys called Bono down there? )
Motto for life?
All is Mind/ If I control mine, I will create my state of happiness. (Once you get your mind under control can you start working on your legs?! )
Something we don't know about you?
That I love to play Football (soccer) like a chess player, think moves in advance. ( so we could call you the Bishop! or the Pawn! So when we play next when I pass to you I will shout out directions first...... Knight to K7.... Ruben! Knight to K7...oh, for Gods sake K7 not F2!...yeah......like that's a chess joke.... for chess people .......like me and Ruben )
Most famous person I've met?
Diego Maradona, at his 16, and I was 12 ( and now, of course La Boca can be added to that short list...sorry that's loudest person you've met!)
Thanks Ruben! And welcome to the team!!