Guys, great meeting! Here are some of the points I took note of, please edit/correct /add as you see fit!
We covered all of our issues and agreed on a way forward on everything...and we had a few beers! Those attending were Jodinho, TTC, El Gato, BOR, Gerry, Roniildo, Johnaldo and Fribeka!
The executive summary of the evening would be as follows;
The following players were voted into key positions;
El Presidente.................................Tom the Coach has a new title!
Chief Financial Officer..................Roniildo
Chief Operating Officer.................Johnaldo
Chief Entertainment officer..........BOR
Chief Recruitment Officer.............Jodinho
El Gato...........................................El Gato
We agreed that each of these people would have a role to set up aspects of the team administration in a more effective manner.
Team Communication, Accountability and Clarity;
The team communication process around game day will be managed by a new process. The e-mail responsive part of the team will be e-mailed on a Tuesday morning and will be asked for their availability for the following Sunday and must reply by 11am on Thursday. Please make every effort to reply. But, no reply means you are not available! We have identified 5 players that need to be phoned for confirmation and Rob, Ron and Tom are actioned to do the calling, again with the same Thursday morning deadline. Tom and John will then decide if we have enough for the game on Sunday. If not, Tom and John will make the notifications to the team, the ref, the league and the opposition. Tom will supply all current phone numbers to the core group.
Interactions with the League/Town/ fixtures list etc
The field coordinator will be Behrooz. Fixtures list will be coordinated by Tom, Disciplinary issues will be dealt with Tom and John
Roniildo is now in charge of team finances. He will set up a new bank account and plan out fees etc for the rest of the year and map out key expenses for the year overall
Player Recruitment
We formed a new committee to look at aggressive approaches to player recruitment. Jodinho is in charge of this team. The members are Fribeka, La Boca, Rob, Ron, Tom and Scott. They will look at practice sessions, individual contacts, advertising and any other imaginative approaches to player recruitment
A new entertainment committee has been formed and being led by Rob. The committee includes Jodinho, Johnaldo and Scott. They will come up with the beer rota, the summer picnic plans annual meetings and maybe even plans for a " Hall Of Fame".
Other issues we discussed included looking at setting up a real practice night for the team involving the guidance of La Boca, planning for the indoor season, planning for a move to a new league and game day issues like tactics, subbing etc
I will expect each of the guys to come up with more detailed plans in the coming weeks!
Thanks for having such a great meeting and we will plan to have one at least every 2 months.
Our next game is this Sunday away to Bridgeport. The roll call for this game will start tomorrow!