Thursday, September 24, 2009

Best Players of Summer '09

After the deluge of emails around the "will we or won't we play this weekend" debate we can relax this Sunday, get to know your family again and hope we can muster up the magical 11/12 players for next weekends game. Some of us will be meeting this Monday night at Augers bar in Guilford to discuss some administration issues around the team. We need more players and better communication within the team. I'm sure we can achieve that......I'll keep you posted!

Just to cheer us up I thought I would remind you about the winners of our "best players of the summer awards"!

And the winners are??

Well done to Carlito, Gogglito and Kevinho for their first wins in the best player awards for Summer "09 and to Roniildo who picks up his second award as best midfielder!

Hope to see you all on the field again soon!


  1. Injury update;
    my ankle is starting to resemble the shape of an ankle again..but is a lovely shade of blue and black.....still pretty swollen but i'm hoping it will start healing over the next week

  2. If you need a matching black and blue toes you can have mine. I have two lovely black and blue toe nails ready to fall off.

  3. Noticed Barcelona got the most votes...and Chelsea with 0.....surprising for Chelsea I have to say

  4. el gato...thanks for the mental visual...yuk

  5. looks like we think it will be a Real Barca final! Considering an EPL team has been in the final over the last 5 years you would have thought the English teams would have got more votes....i would have thought tpink would have at least voted for his own beloved Liverpool?

  6. Thanks! Looking forward to Monday's meeting as well

  7. See you guys Monday evening. Should I bring by clipboard?

  8. yes, bring your gloves too, in case we throw anything at each other
