We covered all of our issues and agreed on a way forward on everything...and we had a few beers! Those attending were Jodinho, TTC, El Gato, BOR, Gerry, Roniildo, Johnaldo and Fribeka!
The executive summary of the evening would be as follows;
The following players were voted into key positions;
El Presidente.................................Tom the Coach has a new title!
Chief Financial Officer..................Roniildo
Chief Operating Officer.................Johnaldo
Chief Entertainment officer..........BOR
Chief Recruitment Officer.............Jodinho
El Gato...........................................El Gato
We agreed that each of these people would have a role to set up aspects of the team administration in a more effective manner.
Team Communication, Accountability and Clarity;
The team communication process around game day will be managed by a new process. The e-mail responsive part of the team will be e-mailed on a Tuesday morning and will be asked for their availability for the following Sunday and must reply by 11am on Thursday. Please make every effort to reply. But, no reply means you are not available! We have identified 5 players that need to be phoned for confirmation and Rob, Ron and Tom are actioned to do the calling, again with the same Thursday morning deadline. Tom and John will then decide if we have enough for the game on Sunday. If not, Tom and John will make the notifications to the team, the ref, the league and the opposition. Tom will supply all current phone numbers to the core group.
Interactions with the League/Town/ fixtures list etc
The field coordinator will be Behrooz. Fixtures list will be coordinated by Tom, Disciplinary issues will be dealt with Tom and John
Roniildo is now in charge of team finances. He will set up a new bank account and plan out fees etc for the rest of the year and map out key expenses for the year overall
Player Recruitment
We formed a new committee to look at aggressive approaches to player recruitment. Jodinho is in charge of this team. The members are Fribeka, La Boca, Rob, Ron, Tom and Scott. They will look at practice sessions, individual contacts, advertising and any other imaginative approaches to player recruitment
A new entertainment committee has been formed and being led by Rob. The committee includes Jodinho, Johnaldo and Scott. They will come up with the beer rota, the summer picnic plans annual meetings and maybe even plans for a " Hall Of Fame".
Other issues we discussed included looking at setting up a real practice night for the team involving the guidance of La Boca, planning for the indoor season, planning for a move to a new league and game day issues like tactics, subbing etc
I will expect each of the guys to come up with more detailed plans in the coming weeks!
Thanks for having such a great meeting and we will plan to have one at least every 2 months.
Our next game is this Sunday away to Bridgeport. The roll call for this game will start tomorrow!
ReplyDeleteGot an email from New Fairfield manager and they can't play on 10/10.....we have 2 options:
1. To accept the forfeit
2. to play this game on a Saturday with their approval of course..their Sundays are full...I know playing during week would be very difficult for us and specially driving to New Fairfield.
Let me know what you think....I have to get back to him.
El Presidente
ReplyDeleteIf its on a Saturday i would be able to play as a one off game.
We also need to send out the roster roll up request for the game this Sunday
Actually i can't play that day....i'm not here!
ReplyDeleteGuys, Next Game is an Away game to Bridgeport!
ReplyDeleteWe want to get our new roster system off and running by asking players to say if they are available for Sunday's game before this Thursday at 11 am. Those of you who never reply by e-mail will be phoned by either Tom, Ron or Rob. Tom and I will do a player count up Thursady afternoon and send out the GO or NO for the game. The group agreed last night that because of the state of our current player pool we may have to be comfortable saying YES even when we have only 10 players available for the game. Of course 11 or more would be better, but we may be cancelling more games than playing if we do not play when we have 10!
So when you read this e-mail please respond to say if you can play this Sunday or not!
You can also go to the blog comments page and put your reply there if you wish...just click on the date below and it will take you straight there!
I am still injured, so I'm out for Sunday
ReplyDeleteI will NOT be available for this Sunday's game.
ReplyDeleteI am out as well for this Sunday.
ReplyDeleteI'm in and will bring beer
ReplyDeleteI am in
ReplyDeleteI am IN
ReplyDeleteTom A
ReplyDeleteI'm away on Saturday 10/10!
ReplyDeletei think the 10/10 option is a non starter...we should just take a forfeit
ReplyDeleteso 5 yes so far...still to hear from Jodinho, Scott, Tom P, Hamid, Danny, Carlos, Enrique and Jorge
ReplyDeleteScott said he is in. And I know Danny would be in.
ReplyDeleteI can do Saturdays but not 10/10.
ReplyDeleteim in
ReplyDeleteDanny IN
ReplyDeleteCarlos OUT
Roniildo, thanks for the update...shame Carlos is out...i hopeo he is not injured or playing for another team??
ReplyDeleteWE have 8 confirmed....still to hear from Hamid, Jorge, Enrique and Tom P.....i'm going to check my email but i have a horrible feeling that Tom P was out for 2 weekends but lets see.... Rob did you get either Jorge or Hamid? Ton did you get Enrique? Does Hamid's friend exist?
Jorge just e-mailed me...he is out! 8 confirmed with Hamid, Tom P and Enrique left to get us to at least 11
ReplyDeleteTom P is in! that's 9 so far still to hear from Hamid and Enrique
ReplyDeleteI have called Hamid and Jorge this morning. Hamid is going to play, and says he will make sure Todd also plays. Jorge is NOT going to play.
ReplyDeleteThe cell phone # on the list for Jorge is no longer in service. We'll need to get another number. He was busy at work this morning when I spoke with him, so I did not want to prolong his time away from being productive by asking him for a phone number.
Enrique is 50/50 at this point....he said he is going to test his leg but will let me know by Saturday....John, I would not count on it...
ReplyDeleteConfirmed and verified for Sunday;
We have 10 confirmed plus Todd coming according to Hamid which would make 11. Enrique is 50/50 so we will not count him in the list right now but it would be great if he could turn up. If Todd is coming we have to make sure he understands that he is the goalie at least at the beginning of the game....I'm sure Behrooz can fake an injury early in the half so he has to go in goal . Is he registered to play for us Tom?
Tom A
Tom P
Tom will send out the usual directions etc!
Carlos, Jacques, Jorge, John are all out for this weekend
ReplyDeleteSame field we played on in May?
I'm presuming some people will be carpooling from Exit 58. Leaving there
around 8:45.
ReplyDeletei think so.....I think El Presidente will be sending out his usual e-mail about the field/ directions and times shortly
I have asked the league to send us the revised roster with Todd added to the list.
ReplyDeleteLet me know if you would like to carpool from Guilford, exit 58 at 8:45 sharp. Please confirm with me that you will be there. Hopefully John can cheer us from the sideline.
By the way, we will play at the same field by the beach in Bridgeport.
Carlos is also playing in his Wallingford (Spanish league) team on Sunday afternoons, so he told me that he told TTC, that he would be good for Celtic for home games, because he can conveniently travel from Madison to the 2nd game
ReplyDeleteok, thats good to know
ReplyDeleteRain is in the forecast.....let's make sure everyone knows their 'duties'
ReplyDeleteprior to the weekend!