MATCH REPORT; Guilford 2 Madison 0
The squad survived the previous days travails against Morelia and started the game against Guilford in good spirits and with no little confidence. The Celts took the game to the home team and dominated the early play. In the first minute of the game Paulo broke free and was clear on goal only to be caught before he got his shot away. Madison kept up the flow of great attacking football with Carlos leading a rock solid defence that really blunted the Guilford attack. The first half came and went in the blink of an eye with Madison clearly the top team at the break but ominously still not able to get clear cut chances.
Controversy sparked the second half into life when the ref awarded a dubious penalty to Guilford. Their striker lined up and screwed the ball wide of the post to trigger wild celebrations from the Madison team, which quickly turned to shock as they saw the ref pointing to the spot again for encroachment. This time another Guilford player strode up to slam the ball past the Hulk again to a huge outcry from Madison as they pointed out that Guilford had switched penalty takers!
The ref chopped the goal off and the whole debacle was written off. Madison continued to press but the tackling from Guilford was getting uglier and uglier. Fribeka was taken out of the game with a terrible tackle from behind and then Carlos was raked in the face by a players studs as he lay on the ground. No action from the ref told you everything about how this game was going down. Then team "emotions" started to break down with shouting and finger pointing. Jorge stormed off the field because no one would pass to him and with Halil's hamstring pull we were down to the walking wounded. Carlos got himself patched up even though blood was everywhere and he was able to slot back into the defence. But Madison were clearly rattled by the rough house treatment and with only five minutes left on the clock a break down the Celts right was not cleared and a simple ball into the box was met by two (!) Guilford players in splendid isolation, one of whom gleefully slammed the ball into the net. Disappointed was not the word to describe the feeling of watching yet another totally preventable goal hitting the back of the Madison net. Of course, if you can do one thing badly why not do another? And within a couple of minutes a very tame lofted ball into the Madison box was met flush on the head by the smallest player on the Guilford team as the Hulk contrived to miss the ball completely. Two down and definitely out. The whistle went to end the game and most likely the dreams of promotion for the Madison team. Now is not the time for a post mortem, but this was a big weekend for the team and i did say let's try and leave the weekend with no regrets because we played to our best, no matter the score. So, if you feel that you played to your best and you did what was right for the team...give yourself a pat on the back. You may have lost but you tried your best. As for the rest...... The team played strong and well for 75 minutes but lost shape and self control in the last fifteen minutes of the game, and the last five were a bit of a joke. Madison are now three points behind Guilford with both teams having three games left in the season. We have to keep going, we have to keep believing but ......we have to start winning!!
MAN OF THE MATCH; Carlos was head and shoulders the best player on the field in both teams. He played through the awful tackles, bruises and cuts to fight for the team
Safet and Halil, until his injury, supported the team very well
MATCH REPORT; Madison 2 Morelia 2
MAN OF THE MATCH; Great play by Safet and Halil, as well as Carlos. But Ilhan had a great day and was MOM
The only thing missed on the Carlos show was the fact he gave away the important first goal, by not making a basic clearance, but tried t
ReplyDeletemust have looked very different fom the side line today......
Not really Roniildo. I think we all saw the same game.... You can't blame a guy that literally bled for the team for one mistake! He played out his skin the whole game......
ReplyDeleteWatching from the side it's really obvious what our issue as a team is..... We cannot make completed passes. Well over 75% of our passes end up with an opposition player. The amazing thing is how good we are at getting the ball back..... Then we give it away ! To compound this issue we almost always go for the most difficult pass available to us.. Pass it 3 feet to the guy to my left or a 40 yard cross field ball to a guy running into five defenders? Simple choice ? Apparently not
ReplyDeleteOf course the great thing about opinions is that everyone is entitled to one!
ReplyDeleteHow does everyone else feel about the games this weekend?
Having had an overnight to think about the games in more detail it is so frustrating we didn't get more out of them. Over the two games we were by far the better team. That was clear against Morelia but we were very strong against Guilford too and only faded in the last 15.... can anyone think of new tactics?
ReplyDeleteSorry the match turned out that way.
ReplyDeleteHow many players did you have?
I was not too optimistic yesterday as we expended a lot of energy in that one.
And while the recovery time is not like traveling back from Istanbul to play in England, it seemed too short for guys of a certain age.
On the positive side it seems we held them scoreless for 60-75 min, which is pretty good
we actually were pretty strong but Halil got a hammy in the first half, Paulo got a sore calf, Fribeka got crocked with a tackle from behind and then Jorge walked off the field with 20 mins left in the game. We didn't take our chances and we still made basic passing errors. The goals they scored at the end were totally avoidable ( in my humble opinion! ) but we just couldn't close the game out....we don't know how to defend from midfield.....
ReplyDeleteI'm willing to admit a mistake if we felt the two game in a row scenario didnt work for us....
Someone had to take the attitude that I did yesterday to stop the lack of pass the ball. Henceforth all going to change mind and how to play. Otherwise we'll never get to play well. I have no remorse and good luck all you. Good bye. Jorge
ReplyDeleteJorge. No good byes ! Let's work out better ways to play. Our passing from midfield to the forwards is poor. We see that in every game. We need to work on it
ReplyDeleteI'm sore, my hamstring hurts a little and a strange pain on my soulder appers this morning.
ReplyDeleteI hope we lern the lesson, next time that we have a make up game, please, schedule far from a thogh game, we were weak in the fwd line at the second half vs. Guilford, and look who were injured Halil, Paolo and I played the second half with pain, but I didn't have sub. I felt realy sad after we done. Because all that effort to be in every game, try to stay on shape, and the fight for join the second div. were disipated in less of 10 min..
I believe that we deserve to move at the second div, but also I believe that we need a lesson, and learn to be friends in the field like we are after the game and work as team.
Yesterday we lose the control, and everbody knows why.
For my concern and speak to myself, "I will recover and l will work twice hard to be more eficent next season and don't lose any chance as striker".
The best way to win a tournament is be prepare from the beginning
If you want to blame the games on the goalie go right ahead I have big shoulders at least what is left of them. I used to play on the best softball team on the state for a long time and never seen the bullshit that transpers during our games with people argueing,yelling,pointing fingers,not showing up when you say you are,showing up when you feel like it,not playing with simple injurys...etc. people doing this on our softball team either sat on the bench or were told good-bye. guilford shows us better than most that a team who plays collapesing defence when the ball is in the box gives there goilie much better opportunity to make saves rather than be left looking stupid with 2 players by themselves 10 feet from you. the halfbacks play way to much offence and little defence. that is why we have given up so many easy goals.that with the amount of penelty kicks we have given account for 66% of the goals against us in my opinion. And as far as the 2nd goal on sunday goes since people don't know how it it is ..the ball was kicked high in the air directly at me so having to wait a extra moment to judge the distance cost me getting out early and could not get to ball before the bounce and with a 180 lb guy running at me full speed and hitting me as i tried grab it and head it out of me fingers oh well and by the way i didnt see a anyone within 20 feet of him which was my question..............i cant believe i have allowed myself to get sucked into this
ReplyDeleteTano sounds like you have been in a battle! You played really well rover the two games but maybe you're right two games in a row was too much for us. Having said that we should have beaten Morelia out of sight
ReplyDeleteHulk. I hear you. This season has been long and revealing for us as a team. I have to admit I can't stand all the high school girl emotion crap the team goes through every freaking game. By the way you, Jodingo!! ,El Gato and tano are the only guys that ever own up to mistakes or less than stellar performances . Lots of respect for that!
ReplyDeleteJohnaldo.. When I played really well, we won, the only game that I did my job well and we didn't win was vs Morellia 4-4 (8-29-10)
ReplyDeleteBut appreciate sincerely your comment, for been positive enthusiast in your comment.
To all of Madison Celtic:
Can we please be a positive team and think as one if we win we all are part of it and if we lose we all are down in the hole.
The other teams don't say "ohh Tano has won, or I lose", they say," Madison lost or, Madison won, and they are good team, or tough.
Ask them what impression do they have about us, ask them, please!!!
We have, grumpy's, quiet's, faster's, slower's, dribbler's, and whatever you want to call us even 12 years old girls, but that's what we are, many people's seen what our defects are and the only what happen is we make bad impression to the new players,as Paulo, Ruggero, etc,etc, but why we don't look like this is normal and make accentuation on what we do good, and don't pay to much attention.
We was talking about this for more than a Year and some one did something about it? Please vote for a new season rule. "if some one argue with another player or yells others, John will sit him so we learn to play quiet.
It's hard but not impossible. I will agree and I know I may sit one game but I will learn too.
Up Celts, up!!!! please.
TANO I like the idea! would make my life a lot easier
ReplyDeletebelieve it or not i turn up every Sunday to have fun......i don't want to be the arbitrator, the bad guy, the supervisor, the psychiatrist etc etc.....i just want to have some fun........
ReplyDeleteBTW: don't jump as a rat, because this ship is not sinking.
ReplyDeleteWe are 3rd and lost only 4 games of 25 and remember we are lucky's Team at the end of the tournaments.
We Help You John to have fun.
ReplyDeleteYou do a lot for us, and I will help you.
Thank you again.
thanks Tano... yes the league is not over yet.... we need to win the next three games and see if Guilford can do the same.... when Guilford or Orange play us they are really motivated to win...they want to play at their best..... doesn't always happen when they play other teams
ReplyDeletei blame Jodingo!! for the defeat.....
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear the outcome of the big weekend. Perhaps I should fly in for such occasions? ;-)
ReplyDeleteAs for new tactics: Try the 3-2-3-2 formation where the defending 2 mid-fiielders are assigned to stay at home of defense. They are not permitted to get into the attacking penalty box during the run of play. If they move up for corner kicks, free licks, etc they MUST haul ass back to defend immediately.
My $0.02... and nothing I haven't written about before.
Good luck for the remainder of the season.
Hi BOR! good to hear from you! Flying in would be good!
ReplyDeleteNot many of our guys go up for "free licks" but if they do I'll make sure they get back into defence as soons as poss! Maybe wash their faces first....
Gents, as Johnaldo said the season is not over yet. Shake your booties and get ready for the next game aginst Hamden. Sunday October 30th Exchange Field 9am kick off.
ReplyDeleteHome Game call Sunday Oct. 30th (Exchange Field) 9am Kick-off:
ReplyDeleteEl Gato
And Please, if you can not make the game let Johnaldo/Roniildo/or me know a day before the game so we do not anticipate 18 are playing and only 12 show up and some late before or after the game starts.
ReplyDeleteGuys, we should stay positive, I am sure 99% of us try best but sometime we make mistake(I think I could have react better by first goal against Morelia)but what bother me is yeling on each other. I dont know is anybary notice Guilford team, I didnt hear eny yelling for whole game.I do not want cry or make exuse but I playing whole season with bad neck and pinch nerve in my left leg but I just love soccer to much I cant resist not to play. Thank you
ReplyDeletesorry for spelling and I think Tano need me forvard to assist him
ReplyDeleteSafet. I agree we have to cut out all the silly screaming
ReplyDeleteanyone know how Carlos is doing with his nose injury? Is he ok for Sunday?
ReplyDeletewho else is injured ( and can't play) for Sunday
Me ( yes i know, 2 herniated discs shouldn't really be an excuse.... but it is )
Halil? ( tight hamstring )
Paulo? ( calf? )
Fribeka? ( ankle?)
Tano? ( sore everywhere? )
Roniildo? ( sore back )
Bambi ( lame )
Anyone else? Brusied egos don't count.....
WTF, I need back to play with you? Despite my silly screaming and brused ego? Because no players?
ReplyDeleteJorge. Ha! There is no escape!
ReplyDeletemy big problem is to have bad attitudes and I have regrets later
ReplyDeleteI should be OK on Sunday, lame or not. Il Bambino
ReplyDeleteJorge. Don't worry. We are all good friends off the field!!
ReplyDeleteSunday roll call;
ReplyDeleteEl Gato
WHY I'm not in the roster i'm not in intensive care, bring some Percocet that'd all Johnaldo.
ReplyDeleteBTW; my wife have contractions every 7 min so may be a long night for me.
Sunday roll call;
ReplyDeleteEl Gato
Tano. !!! Wow. Could be very busy night! Good luck my friend!
ReplyDeletepartially seperated right shoulder...........
ReplyDeleteTano! You have to help push. Buena suerte!!. The soccer is nothing comparing with the newborn.
ReplyDeleteMethinks it might be a somewhat longer night for your wife, Tano! God bless your family and Fribeka's!
Tano all my thoughts and prayers.......enjoy and all be well
ReplyDeleteTano good luck my friend....
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday Johnaldo... and see you Sunday...
ReplyDeleteJohnaldo have to share your birthday cake with Ian Maximo for now on, and you know Ian is a scottish name variation from John?
ReplyDeleteSo happy my baby is healty 7.12 lb. and my wife did it a great job.
Thanks all my friends for the good wishes.
See you all Sunday.
Tano, Congrats on Ian!! I hope is better looking than Johnaldo!
ReplyDeleteHappy Birthday, Johnaldo!! Make the most of it!
Sorry to hear I'm being blamed for the poor showing this past weekend. Not sure I cou;d've helped. Seems you had the right players, but poor execution.
I'm in for this coming Sunday! I'm in the best shape I've been in this season! Hamstring is much better.
Happy Birthday Johnaldo! How nice that Ian decided to make his arrival today too!
ReplyDeleteHope you get some relief from the back pain to enjoy your day :)
Tano-congratulations! Ian Maximo's picture on FB is precious! Best wishes to you, your wife and whole family!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Tano!!! Another addition to the Madison Celtic Future Squad!
ReplyDeletethanks for the birthday wishes
ReplyDeleteSunday roll call;
ReplyDeleteEl Gato
Thanks to all of you, I'm glad to have you all as friends.
ReplyDeleteMy hope is to keep this friendship no matter what .
Tano, what a blessing bro....can't wait to follow the journey of your young must be over the moon.....
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday Johnaldo......hey, lots of emotion coming out after the weekend results...
End of tthe day boys and girls, it is the club and friendships we have that matter most of all...
See u all on Sunday
Johnaldo, was not throwing Flaco under the bus, so sorry if it that is the way my input was interpreted.....he played great as u articulated, but remember the 80% of games when we want him to play and he does not show up?
ReplyDeleteJodigo!!, ur were nott being blamed.......just missed u big time over the weekend....
ReplyDeleteHappy B-day johnny.... You are truely one of the people who are the heart and soul of this team.........if people were ever able to take the blinders off they would realize that and our team would be much better for it. You are Truly the best representation of a team player and all should take notice.
ReplyDeleteRoniildo. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHulk. Sorry to hear about your shoulder. You give it all for the team!
ReplyDeleteAnd many thanks for your kind words. I truly appreciate them. I think that's what being in a team is all about. Sharing highs and lows on the field and, maybe more importantly, sharing some important moments in our lives off the field. Jorge becoming a grandpa, Tano becoming a new Dad again.... It's all part of being good friends. And I'm sure that can help when one of us has to go through tough times..... Take care my friend
Tano congrat You and Your Family,John happy b-day...Paulo and I will be ready for sunday
ReplyDeleteRoniildo, Will you be able to play this weekend?
ReplyDeleteEl Gato, Hearing of Hulk's injured shoulder causes me to think you might be called upon to play between the sticks.....
ReplyDeleteIf is needed I can be goal keeper,
ReplyDeleteTano, felicitades to you and your family! And John, Happy Birthday! Let's celebrate both on Sunday.
ReplyDeleteGuys, we don't agree on everything but, in my view, this is a great team for three main reasons. First, it is well organized. Second, we don't carry our differences and disappointments beyond the soccer field. Third, I truly believe that everybody is putting the best effort on the field.
Sunday roll call;
ReplyDeleteEl Gato
Nice comments Rugginho!
ReplyDeletethanks Safet!
ReplyDeleteCT and Rugginho: Great words. I called Tano already to congrats by phone. Anyway a tell him. F E L I C I D A D E S!!!!. I'll take some food on Sunday to say I'sorry, again. This is a second time. How many more? we'll see. aggggs.
ReplyDeletenew article posted!