Roniildo, BOR , Jodingo!! and Johnaldo were the intrepid foursome who set out from Newark airport to represent the Mad Celts at the tournament combining with my brother and friends from Glasgow to form the Atlantic Rovers. This was an awesome road trip with lots of soccer, lots of beer and lots of fun! The journey up to Hopeman was a long one as we flew to London, then Glasgow then drove to Hopeman arriving about 24 hours after we had set off from Connecticut! After no rest at all we headed straight to the local bar where there was a fantastic reception from our hosts the Elgin Marbles. A Scottish piper was there to welcome us into the bar, we each received a gift of some nice Elgin Marbles polo shirts and we had lots of beer flowing to the wee small hours of the morning. BOR even attempted to blow the pipes! Perfect preparation for athletes!
The next morning, after a huge Scottish breakfast, we were ready for the games to begin. The main tournament was an outdoor 7 a side competition that had 7 teams from around Scotland and the Atlantic Rovers. The format of the tournament was two groups of 4 teams playing each other once over 15 minutes. The top two teams from each section then played in the "Champions league" section while the bottom teams played for the consolation trophy. Our main aim was to survive against some of the teams that were clearly made up of players under the age of 40. To our surprise we came through the first three games undefeated and qualified for the Champions league. Some great goalkeeping by BOR had kept us in the games at times but we had also scored some great goals to beat a good Edinburgh side and draw with two of the local teams. The next section was a lot tougher and we were well beaten by the two teams that would eventually contest the final, including an RAF Airforce team that took no prisoners, as Roniildo found to his cost when he was nearly halved in two by a particularly meaty challenge! We tied our last match in the section to finish fourth overall! A credible outing in our first tournament! We were the only team that played with no subs and after several hours of playing we were exhausted but ready to party that night..... more to come on that, and the next days "survivors" challenge match in Road trip report 2!
Stay tuned!

ReplyDeleteThanks my friend, You make me flew in time and space with this report.
You can tell the piper got in love with BOR on pic #3.
Nice pictures too,wow you guys look like professional players, and that shirt helps you a lot even John looks on shape.jaja.
Did you see the size of that monster?(Arg. shirt #4 pic 5) That guy is a Rugby player, no doubt.
What's going on at the pic#8, did you guys got flea, or some kind of allergies? ha ha
I hope I see some guys on Friday don't forget to reply to Jim before 6pm today.
Tano.... yes, the black shirts are a lot more slimming than green and white hoops!
ReplyDelete...........Johnaldo, great report. Brought back a lot of the fun memories!!!
ReplyDeleteTano, I think the Arg #4 guy was the one that almost halved me in two. They were the overall tournament winners!
To further enhance our image next year perhaps we should wear the black shorts too...LOL
Well done John!
ReplyDeleteI think #4 is the guy at the RAF base who hand-lifts the Harriers so they can change the tires. Rather large guy as I recall.
Great memories... looking forward to next year already.
I remember the days when people used to read the blog and post comments....... Sigh..... the off season.... I hate it
ReplyDelete...............I know what you mean Johnaldo! Seems like everyone in New England crawls into their caves between now and April. Need to plan some team get togethers over the off season??
ReplyDeleteGood idea! Indoor in January is too far off
ReplyDelete......penultimate photo was a corker! Johnaldo looking horrified, Jodingo!! looks like he is hurling, and I am extremely agiatated....guessing that was during the RAF match????
ReplyDeleteEven Tano has given up posting!
ReplyDelete....heck, we should be playing this looks awesome!
ReplyDeleteYes. Had just lost our fourth goal!!
ReplyDelete........perhaps everyone is out working xtra hours to save for next years Scottish trip????
ReplyDeleteWe gave up a bit early on organizing a friendly
ReplyDelete..............impressive memory Johnaldo! Look forward to a rematch with them next year....
ReplyDelete.............Hulk, what's up brother? Any trips planned for the off season?
ReplyDeleteYes all being well we may have a good squad for next September!
ReplyDelete................hey BOR, get some pipe lessons and shock the boys next year....LOL
ReplyDelete..............Yup, as I recall Halil is in, and perhaps Altigan???
ReplyDeleteI still have video to post of BOR blowing his pipes!
ReplyDelete................can't wait to see it :-)
ReplyDeleteJodingo!! Is probably out at another black tie event
ReplyDelete...............El Gato, you're awfully quiet too...You're in for Scotland next year..YES?
ReplyDeleteScotty got in touch by email. He congratulated us all on a great season!
ReplyDeleteBhoys......pretty quiet out there......You two should be on a pub somewhere!
ReplyDelete...............whatever he's doing, it probably involves some kind of tie....
ReplyDeleteIn a pub.....
ReplyDeleteOr depending on the number of pints, on a pub might be correct!
ReplyDelete............Lea Michele, you're not wrong.. but been a hell of a week, so just chilling tonight
ReplyDeleteJohnaldo, any chance of Scottie coming back next year? Now there's a guy who would love and compete in Scotland!!!
Lea! Thought you would be practising for your next show?
ReplyDeleteYou don't look like you r a pint drinker Lea
ReplyDelete.................everyone has to believe in something...I believe I'll have another beer can you see Lea?
ReplyDeleteRoniildo that would be great if he could
ReplyDeleteRoniildo. Just search her name on google
ReplyDeleteHello Gents,
ReplyDeleteSorry, rough week for me averaging 3 to 4 hours of asleep per night this week. Exhausted.... I need to be ready for next years Scottish trip. Backing bread at night that would cover me for the trip. You guys are right its very quiet. I think Tano is at sportsplex playing some kind of indoor soccer.
Was on Conan Monday.....opening night for his new show! Was cool-traveling now for work. Hope to take some vacation sure seem like Scotland was fun. Not sure what to make of the 7th pic.....looking a bit itchy!
ReplyDeleteIsn't Lea still in High School???
ReplyDeleteEl Gato!! Good to hear from you
ReplyDeletePale ale in hand as I type
ReplyDeleteBaking..... I get some sleep sometimes soon....
ReplyDeleteHa ha El gate-you a Glee fan?
ReplyDeleteI don't think Lea is at high school anymore if her Maxim photo shoot has anything to say about it!
ReplyDeleteLea must be really desperate to be blogging on Friday night....
ReplyDeleteLea who is Pale Al ?
ReplyDeleteNice pics in the magazine, the kid in the middle is having a handful......
ReplyDelete.......who ever he is, he's lucky
ReplyDeleteEl gate might be a glee fan but El Gato is not. But I did watch few episodes....
ReplyDeleteEl Gato. What does that make us??
ReplyDeleteHowever, my wife is hooked on the show. she likes the music..... :-(
ReplyDeleteB oared to death.... I am going to watch the last episode of Dexter that I missed Sunday.
ReplyDeleteInteresting characters on this blog......And you all type fast- can't keep up.
ReplyDeleteAle Johnaldo, not Al....
I had few glasses of wine I wished I had beer instead. I am saving for the trip to get hammered on beer.....
ReplyDeleteLea 10:30 on a Friday night and this is the only blog that interests you.... with Bunch of old farts......
ReplyDeleteLea sings!
ReplyDeleteEl Gato speak for yourself!
ReplyDelete..............El Gato, speak for your flatulent self...I'm off to watch the footy I DVRd this week..........Be kind to others and do good work
ReplyDeleteJodingo must be tied up to the bed with his black tie... that is why he is not blogging..... Good for you dingo....
ReplyDeleteHi boys!
ReplyDelete..............dingo, how much vino have you had El Gato...LOL
ReplyDeleteSorry Gents... I am the only one. Lea must be interested and fascinated by you pretty bohys....
ReplyDelete..........if the video doesn't get Tano on line, he's gone!!!
ReplyDeleteI only had one bottle.
ReplyDeleteTano is Lea......
ReplyDeleteHa. Only one bottle! LOL.....
ReplyDeleteGood night gents.... going to see what Dexter was chopping for dinner on the last episode...
ReplyDeleteUgh ........ Tano is Lea ?????? Nooooooooooo !!!!!!!!!
ReplyDelete............El G, I think you upset Lea!
ReplyDeleteworking on the second bottle now.....
ReplyDeleteSorry to blow your cover Tano....
ReplyDelete.......Tano, wtfaty bro?
ReplyDeleteOr is it Dingo........
ReplyDeleteGood night Bhoys.....been fun. Heading out for the night.
ReplyDeleteIt's def Lea. ........ Tano would not make so much sense. ;0)
ReplyDeleteBye Lea. Xx
ReplyDelete..................y'all have a great night
ReplyDelete76 posted!. I see The blog comeback alive again. I was posting after Johnaldo make the report and then after for at least 2 or 3 days was just 4 comments that why I didn't check any more and now voila 76 comments.
Also the only guy who answer my email recall for indoor practice on Friday was Hulk, but we have enough guys and Carlos showed up too.
BTW, Sunday 9am soccer practice at Clinton Morgan HS exit 63 oh FWY 95 Carlos and I will be there plus Jim and tho other guy who use to practice every Sunday Come on don't get rusty Bhoys.Next season will be though.
I all most forget,
ReplyDeleteLea? is not me Guys honestly, the only homosexual undercover that I have was one time at new years eve, and I had one of my wife uncle who spank me and I turned I kicked his ball no to hard but enough to make sit down quietly so no more games like that for me.
well then welcome Lea to our blog.... Did you have fun last night?? Where did you end up going? inquire minds want to know??? :-0)
ReplyDeleteJust opened another bottle.... Cannon Ball not a bad Merlot...
ReplyDeleteTano. Welcome back! Will try to get to one of those games soon
ReplyDeleteEl gato. I'm just having a nice glass of a Caymus cab
ReplyDeleteManny Pacquiao Dinner to night :
ReplyDeleteenchiladas y strawberry Margarito what a Paliza (beat)
ReplyDelete.........Manny looks like Roberto! Tano, got Erin's game this morning so can't make today, but will also try to make future games. Thanks for keeping things going!!!
ReplyDeleteNew Article Posted! Road Trip part 2!