First time you played soccer? In High School--
Galway Golden Eagles in upstate New York--went to states three years, twice to semi finals. ( Arggghh, so close to the final! "All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection. So I rate us on the basis of our splendid failure to do the impossible" )
Favorite Team? Barcelona ( Whatevah.... )
Fav Player? Fabregas (hoping he'll make it to Barca). ( Keep dreaming... )
Fav Music? Like many many things--Dylan, Nick Cave, Classical guitar--especially Segovia, Bach... Richard and Linda Thompson, Susan McKewon, Van Morrison.... ( What?? No Lady Gaga? )
Fav Movie? Hard to say--love all Film Noir (taught a course in Noir for years)... Touch of Evil right up there. Gun Crazy. Out of the Past. Kiss Me, Deadly. ( .....are those films names or are you really trying to tell me something? ....like.....“I didn't recognize you. You should lay off those candy bars.”..... “How I detest the dawn. The grass always looks like it's been left out all night.”)
Best moment on a soccer field? Still waiting for it to happen... ( yes, we all are! Spring season will be here soon!)
Nickname at school? The Goog. (Long before Google--after comic book character Barney Google.) (any relation to our Goggs? )
Motto for life? Hmm. You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose... (Well technically you can.... not sure why you would want to, but you could! )
Something we don't know about you? Played lead guitar for a punk rock band of graduate English lit students called The Sound and the Fury (after Faulkner's novel).... ( lemme guess....I bet you were The Fury? Maybe should have called yourselves the Compson brothers?)
Most famous person I've met? Spent an afternoon with Gabriel Garcia Marquez's wife waiting for him to arrive. He got stuck in traffic, and I never managed to meet him, but had a lovely visit with Mercedes, and a tour of his studio, gardens, house, etc. (did he know you had spent the afternoon with his wife?? Is this something you want to admit on a global blog, did you both have cholera?? )
Galway Golden Eagles in upstate New York--went to states three years, twice to semi finals. ( Arggghh, so close to the final! "All of us failed to match our dreams of perfection. So I rate us on the basis of our splendid failure to do the impossible" )
Favorite Team? Barcelona ( Whatevah.... )
Fav Player? Fabregas (hoping he'll make it to Barca). ( Keep dreaming... )
Fav Music? Like many many things--Dylan, Nick Cave, Classical guitar--especially Segovia, Bach... Richard and Linda Thompson, Susan McKewon, Van Morrison.... ( What?? No Lady Gaga? )
Fav Movie? Hard to say--love all Film Noir (taught a course in Noir for years)... Touch of Evil right up there. Gun Crazy. Out of the Past. Kiss Me, Deadly. ( .....are those films names or are you really trying to tell me something? ....like.....“I didn't recognize you. You should lay off those candy bars.”..... “How I detest the dawn. The grass always looks like it's been left out all night.”)
Best moment on a soccer field? Still waiting for it to happen... ( yes, we all are! Spring season will be here soon!)
Nickname at school? The Goog. (Long before Google--after comic book character Barney Google.) (any relation to our Goggs? )
Motto for life? Hmm. You can pick your friends and you can pick your nose, but you can't pick your friend's nose... (Well technically you can.... not sure why you would want to, but you could! )
Something we don't know about you? Played lead guitar for a punk rock band of graduate English lit students called The Sound and the Fury (after Faulkner's novel).... ( lemme guess....I bet you were The Fury? Maybe should have called yourselves the Compson brothers?)
Most famous person I've met? Spent an afternoon with Gabriel Garcia Marquez's wife waiting for him to arrive. He got stuck in traffic, and I never managed to meet him, but had a lovely visit with Mercedes, and a tour of his studio, gardens, house, etc. (did he know you had spent the afternoon with his wife?? Is this something you want to admit on a global blog, did you both have cholera?? )
Thanks for the great interview! But.....Don't be so gloomy Arniesto. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock! So long, Arnie...... ;o)
Jesus I hope that bottle's filled with gatorade and not the obvious yellow alternative....
ReplyDeleteno comment.....but it is very tasty....
ReplyDeleteFIFA do drug testing even for the over 40's but that does look like an overgenerous sample!
ReplyDeleteI will assume it's Gatorade unless Arniesto says it's not!
ReplyDeleteBig News For Jodingo!!
ReplyDeleteFor My Jodingo!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a charming lady she is! And to think she sent me a personalized holiday wish!!
ReplyDeleteJodingo!! Will I see you tonight?
ReplyDeleteThank You Arniesto for share with us your player focus.
ReplyDeleteVery funny comments John, your an Celtic elves Joker in the blog.
Those pictures (Maradona and Arnie) have something in common Maradona have the face expression of saying:
-Is that mine?
And Arnie answer back:
-Yes Diego I have your U test,the one that we take on 1998 WC, remember? So no excuses. OK?
We are watching a football Team that will we in history as one of the best team ever. And we probably talk about it with our great great sons. The Galactic, The majestic, The Barcelona F.C. of Messi and his fellas.
They beat the crap out of Real Madrid.....
ReplyDeleteBarca were unbelievable in the game against Real.... everything they did was just about perfect.... i think they could even beat Celtic in this type of form!
ReplyDeleteNearly at our 18,000 visitor to the blog!
ReplyDeleteI'm a bit worried that Arniesto hasn't responded to his player focus..... several players have dissapeared completely after they had a player focus published!! eg Hamid The Enigma, Dejan, The Tank, The Toe etc etc
ReplyDelete.........think we need to have another team dinner in near future. it is pretty amazing how guys can just drop off the map so quickly...i guess folks just lead incredibly busy lives...too busy to check in with the bhoys???
ReplyDelete......Tano is there a practice this Sunday?
ReplyDeleteNext time that I see You probably we have to hold our tears of emotion, my friend because is been a long time, that we are not drinking and playing together ,:).
About practice, I just came back from east shore park of running and kicking a little bit, and yes we play to night at 7pm indoor last week we were 28 guys, we had to used two field. and Sunday we are playing too, same place same time I believe,but I will confirm to night with the guys who practicing there.
I missed last Sunday practice (I was too drank on Sat night )
See you, when I see you Ron Cheers.
Btw: I have WD40 and 93/33 pill extra if someone want to show up. :)
ReplyDeleteTotally agree about Barcelona... except this focus on Messi. Granted in the Real game he did set up every single one of the passes that scored their goals. That said, I still think in some ways Xavi gets the shaft, he's the heart of their midfield and doesn't get nearly enough credit for how unbelievable his touch and passing are.
ReplyDeleteGreat practice today.
ReplyDeleteIt good to have you guys at the field
Carlos,Jorge, Halil, his brother,DS and Tom.
I Hope to see you next Sunday too, and arrange the new Team that really love soccer call it Madison Rangers FC.(lazy's not aloud).
Tano!! WTF!! Madison Rangers??
ReplyDeleteI am speechless !! Sorry I missed the game. Down in Miami right now
ReplyDeleteEu estou brincando com você.
But I can't believe that we are 24 players and the only who still show and play is Carlos and me.
sorry John I didn't know that you were down there but you get my point.
And the idea of this joke was when Carlitos mention to me about planing to join another new team from Clinton because is more close to him.
Is no my case I feel good here and also said to him if he leave us I have more pass to me ;)
This is like a private chat now, John and have a good trip back home.
Best goals of the weekend Nasri (Arsenal)
ReplyDeleteThe second goal I wish he put a heel in that ball instead of turn.click here to watch it
Tano... between just the two of us, i hope Flaco was joking!
ReplyDeleteOur team is not good at practising but we do have indoor soccer coming up fast on the horizon. First Thursday in January is the first game. We will need to know who is signing up for the games as it will cost $825 to register the team
Tano... yes i agree... a back heel would have made that goal even more special!
ReplyDeleteI like to mention too about indoor section II
ReplyDeleteJanuary 6 to February 24.
That number (825) looks scary but if we are at least 10 guys to sign up is 82.50 divide by 8 games will be 10.31 per game so very decent price and affordable to any one.
Do I have to say the I'm in?
Tano.... yes I am in for indoor soccer session;
ReplyDeleteso far;
At the moment that would make the per head cost $412........
We need some more players!!
La Boca Call me and he want to play too.
La Boca
Good! $275 per head now!
ReplyDeleteRoniildo been very busy...I am definitely in for indoor in Jan......TANO, what's the BS about Flaco going to another team???
ReplyDeleteLet's get real pals....If you are not in Madison Celtic FC, poney up say so...Like I tell my kids...plenty of talent out there...no use for prima donna's in their 40s...I only care about the bhoys who are committed....look in the mirror my friends..........or .. .... .........
La Boca
...hey BOR, ru in for Jan session?
ReplyDeleteRoniildoooo! welcome back my friend, are you training a lot or shopping a lot? :)
ReplyDeleteNow we need just 6 more, I know we can make sign 10 players by January.
I can ask some of outside the team if you guys want to.
Where is el Gato and his gang?
Only $206 per head now!
ReplyDeleteI will be posting a new article later tonight about the indoor soccer.... i know some of you are getting bored looking at Arniesto!
ReplyDeleteI suspect my theory may be correct though about player focus articles and how they make players disappear.... Arniesto is either offended or has become an enigma!
I am in for indoor session
ReplyDeleteThe indoor registration has to be done one week before the first game the latest. That means we have to pay off in full and register no later than Dec. 29th.
ReplyDeleteJohnaldo.... that mean no more player focus?
ReplyDeleteWell, if it work like that, you can use in the future as weapon, if you want to get rid off somebody.:)
EL Gatooooo! How you doing?
welcome back.
New Article posted!