First time you played soccer?
I played for several spring/fall leagues as a small kid, probably aged 6-9 or so and then gave it up for baseball (at which I was also no good). I got back into it for real as an adult at around age 27 right after finishing my doctorate and have loved playing ever since. ( So basically you haven't really started playing soccer at all yet...that's what I'm reading here...oh yeah, that's what I'm reading....)
Favorite Team?
Man Utd. Why? Ummm.. In reality probably because when I really started playing again as an adult Beckham mania was full fledged and it served as my first entry into really learning about the European game. I am impressed by SAF and the fact that they have managed to do so well so long with some continuity in the staff there. On the other hand, they keep putting Paul Scholes on the field, and he keeps making those tackles… why does he keep making those tackles? ( I don't know Bambi but your answer sounds like you are re-doing your doctorate thesis! Have you not heard of the Scholes uncertainty principle? You never know when or where he is going to tackle you? ....tsk tsk.... call yourself a scientist?)
Fav Player?
Actually not Goldenballs. As I learned more about the European game, I started watching more leagues and teams - definitely my favorite was Zinedine Zidane. Headbutts aside, noone controlled a game like ZiZou at his best. Also like many other attacking midfielders with a penchant for slotting in a pass that makes really good defenders look stupid - Xavi, Fabregas, Gerrard, Essien. ( ...and so the thesis continues.... )
Fav Music?
Anything but Country. Seriously, my truck and my girl are doing just fine, thank you. ( What about your one legged dog ? )
I played for several spring/fall leagues as a small kid, probably aged 6-9 or so and then gave it up for baseball (at which I was also no good). I got back into it for real as an adult at around age 27 right after finishing my doctorate and have loved playing ever since. ( So basically you haven't really started playing soccer at all yet...that's what I'm reading here...oh yeah, that's what I'm reading....)
Favorite Team?
Man Utd. Why? Ummm.. In reality probably because when I really started playing again as an adult Beckham mania was full fledged and it served as my first entry into really learning about the European game. I am impressed by SAF and the fact that they have managed to do so well so long with some continuity in the staff there. On the other hand, they keep putting Paul Scholes on the field, and he keeps making those tackles… why does he keep making those tackles? ( I don't know Bambi but your answer sounds like you are re-doing your doctorate thesis! Have you not heard of the Scholes uncertainty principle? You never know when or where he is going to tackle you? ....tsk tsk.... call yourself a scientist?)
Fav Player?
Actually not Goldenballs. As I learned more about the European game, I started watching more leagues and teams - definitely my favorite was Zinedine Zidane. Headbutts aside, noone controlled a game like ZiZou at his best. Also like many other attacking midfielders with a penchant for slotting in a pass that makes really good defenders look stupid - Xavi, Fabregas, Gerrard, Essien. ( ...and so the thesis continues.... )
Fav Music?
Anything but Country. Seriously, my truck and my girl are doing just fine, thank you. ( What about your one legged dog ? )
Fav Movie?
So many options…. gotta love the Princess Bride though. "That word. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means…." ( There are just so many things wrong with this sentence that I don't know where to start.....)
So many options…. gotta love the Princess Bride though. "That word. You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means…." ( There are just so many things wrong with this sentence that I don't know where to start.....)
Best moment on a soccer field?
One time I actually managed to single handedly dribble past 2 defenders and the goalkeeper and score in an indoor game about 4 years ago. My teammates gave me the obvious "where the f*** has that been hiding???" ( so....where the f*** has it gone??)
Nickname at school?
None really in school…. got nicknamed "flash" by my buddies in DuPont Merck after burning my hands in a chemical fire… we were a real supportive bunch. ( and now your are with an even more supportive bunch of guys....and you are our Bambi....)
Motto for life?
Play hard.. life can be shorter than you think. ( Oh God, another cheery soccer player....whatever happened to " always look on the bright side of life..ta dum, ta dum, ta dum, ta dum, ta dum" ....or were you just thinking about Tano when you said this??)
Something we don't know about you?
I gave up soccer and baseball in school for fencing. Then I actually got good at it. Was a 2X All american at UNC in Foil and was at my best competitive with the top 25 or so fencers in the US. So my reflexes are fine…. it's the lack of technique that defines my football game :) ( Ah... and of course, your rapier wit Bambi! )
Most famous person I've met?
Nobody. Seriously, I suck. Warren Buffet's first wife was related to my family though, does that count? (....No....)
One time I actually managed to single handedly dribble past 2 defenders and the goalkeeper and score in an indoor game about 4 years ago. My teammates gave me the obvious "where the f*** has that been hiding???" ( so....where the f*** has it gone??)
Nickname at school?
None really in school…. got nicknamed "flash" by my buddies in DuPont Merck after burning my hands in a chemical fire… we were a real supportive bunch. ( and now your are with an even more supportive bunch of guys....and you are our Bambi....)
Motto for life?
Play hard.. life can be shorter than you think. ( Oh God, another cheery soccer player....whatever happened to " always look on the bright side of life..ta dum, ta dum, ta dum, ta dum, ta dum" ....or were you just thinking about Tano when you said this??)
Something we don't know about you?
I gave up soccer and baseball in school for fencing. Then I actually got good at it. Was a 2X All american at UNC in Foil and was at my best competitive with the top 25 or so fencers in the US. So my reflexes are fine…. it's the lack of technique that defines my football game :) ( Ah... and of course, your rapier wit Bambi! )
Most famous person I've met?
Nobody. Seriously, I suck. Warren Buffet's first wife was related to my family though, does that count? (....No....)
Thanks Bambi! Welcome to the team!