Well it's nearly the end of the year and its time to take stock of our achievements through the 2009 season. I have to admit I thought that the team was going to collapse into oblivion as we entered the Fall season with a shortage of players and chronic communication problems. But, we survived and got the team on track. We have a new administration team in place to help El Presidente, with lots of CFO's, CRO's, CEO's, CPO's and UFO's. We signed up some new players during the season that really helped us through our constant crisis of injured players, disappearing players and enigmas. And, after all these problems, we actually played better in the Fall season than we did in the Summer season!
Henrique and Carlos were our top goalscorers over the whole of 2009 with 7 goals a piece. Carlos won the most man of the match awards with 3, although 13 players won at least 1 MOM during the season!
The Fall season was tough because bad weather was always a factor but we still managed to get some games and good performances in! The highlights are as follows;
Played 7, Won 4, Lost 3, Drew 0; Goals For 16, Against, 16, Points 12
Our home record was;
Played 4, Won 2, Lost 2
Our away record was;
Played 3, Won 2, Lost 1
Top goal scorers;
Henrique 5, Carlos 4, Roniildo 3, Tom A, Telat, Dejan and Jorge all got one goal!
Man of the Match Awards;
Carlito, El Gato, La Boca, Telat, Tom A, Dejan and Roniildo all got one award!
AS A REMINDER; Our record during the Summer was;
Played 11, Won 4, Lost 7, Drew 0; Goals For 23, Against, 26, Points 12
Our home record was;
Played 6, Won 4, Lost 2
Our away record was;
Played 5, Lost 5!
Top goal scorers;
Jorge 5, Carlos 3, TJ 3, Scott 3, Henrique 2, La Boca, Roniildo, Jodingo!!, Fribeka, Tom A, Ahmad, OG all got one goal!
Man of the Match Awards;
BOR 2, Carlito 2, Kevinho 2, Ron the Toe, Jodingo!!, Henrique, Fribeka and Roniildo all got one award!
SO the overall view of the 2009 season looks like this;
Played 18, Won 8, Lost 10, Drew 0; Goals For 39, Against, 42, Points 24
Our home record was;
Played 10, Won 6, Lost 4
Our away record was;
Played 8, Won 2, Lost 6
Top goal scorers;
Henrique 7, Carlos 7, Jorge 6, Roniildo 4, TJ 3, Scott 3,Tom A 2, La Boca, Jodingo!!, Fribeka, Ahmad, Telat, Dejan and OG all got one goal!
Man of the Match Awards;
Carlito 3, BOR 2, Kevinho 2, Roniildo 2, Ron the Toe, Jodingo!!, La Boca, Henrique, Fribeka, Tom A, Telat, Dejan and El Gato all got one award!
We had a losing season overall, but the Fall season got us back on track. The stats tell us we are a very decisive team..... we either win or lose.... we did not tie a game in the whole of 2009!
Let's hope for an even better 2010 season, both indoor and outdoor!
Have a great Holiday Season, keep happy and healthy..... and see you all in the New Year!!