Our first session of indoor soccer finished on Thursday night with a mixed set of results. We started well when we stormed to our 5th win in a row with a 9-3 victory against North Branford. Great play from the team overall and even with our regular goalie missing, Fribeka and the Heckelator did a great job between the sticks. But this game took a fair amount of energy out of the team and unfortunately we then had to play a fresh Durham team. They had beaten us earlier in the session and in this game they stormed to a 4-0 lead at half time. After the break our team struggled badly but we hung in there to keep the score respectable. We pulled back their large lead to only 2 goals before they scored at the final whistle for a 8-5 win over us.
So, overall not too bad for this session; played 8, won 5, drew 1, lost 2. We scored an impressive 49 goals and let in only 31.
New session starts again this Thursday......and of course the fitness campaign starts on Monday!
Start scoring those points!