Ok, so i haven't come up with a great nickname yet for Rob but "The Heckelator" can do for now...sounds like a cross between "The Terminator" and an angry guy in the crowd. Hey, maybe that is a good nickname! Rob has been one the defensive regulars this season playing either left or right back.....he can do both you know! Beside him in most games has been "The Toe" although he has been posted missing recently. But even missing a toe Rob has not had any defensive howlers or own goals although we still have a few more games left in the season~!
First time you played soccer? 6th grade (age 11). Never even saw a soccer ball prior to then.
Fav Team? NY Cosmos ( Really?....I mean really?? )
Fav soccer player? Steve Savage. Never heard of him, have you? Kinda short, long blond hair, good midfielder. He's the one who came up to me after I blew out my knee in practice at the University of Tampa, the echo of the "pop" still reverberating under the grandstand roof, leaned over, got in my face, and asked two very simple questions that put everything into it's proper perspective. ( ....and? ...and?...jeez, has this story been censored?)
Best band ever? So many from which to choose... Indigenous, Screaming Cheetah Wheelies, Joe Satriani, Soundgarten, Led Zeppelin, the list could go on and on. ( Thank God you stopped though....)
Beer or wine? From the size of my belly, what the hell do you think? ( Hhmm)
Best Movie seen? I've got three kids... I don't get to go see movies.
If you could be a singer who would you be?
I don't sing. I don't want to sing.
Halle Berry or Jessica Alba?
Who? What?
Motto for life?
Love my wife, love my kids, pass the ball to Ronny, Carlito and Jorge.
Can you describe your best ever moment on a soccer field?
1981, NCAA Division II championship. And I had to watch from the bench because of the knee thing mentioned above.Thanks Rob, a great insight to your love of music, family and football. And you are the first interview that had to be **** for use of **** language