No game this Thursday so.......It's time for yet another Player Focus! No, no you can stop cheering.... no really.... you can stop.
The team mate under the microscope this time is Safet! The only player to win two championship winning medals for two different teams in the same year! He comes from Bosnia and we all know where that is on the map don't we ? Right beside Croatia and round the corner from Serbia.... yeah, I knew you knew... So what do we find out about Safet in this interview? I'm not telling you..........you will just have to read it!!
First time you played soccer?
I started very early, at age four. I played with the neighborhood kids. (...and they were all 24 years old so it was all very unfair)
Favorite Team?
Zeljeznicar Sarajevo, Bosnian National team ( Easy for you to say!....I heard Čelik were a good team too? Madison Čelik has a certain ring to it, no? )
Fav Player?
Safet Susic ( Great player, Great name; 21 goals in 54 appearances for Yugoslavia)
Fav Music?
Bosnian country music, rock ( OMG.... there is such a thing? This may be worse than Lithuanian rap)
Fav Movie?
Road House, Night at the Roxbury ( huh? What about all those great Bosnian movies like Ničija zemlja or Teško je biti fin? )
Best moment on a soccer field?
Back in Bosnia when my team won the local tournament ( were you playing at the time? ..... I'm joking! )
Nickname at school?
Sajo ( Pronounced Sayo? if my Bosnian is correct? )
Motto for life?
To live is to hope ( ...and to hope is to live! ... See what i did there?)
Something we don't know about you?
I studied Russian in high school (Пожалуйста, пожалуйста, передайте мне футбол!! Yes especially you Jorge!)
Most famous person I've met?
My wife ( Smart move.....very smart! )
Thanks Safet! Great interview!