I know you have all been waiting for this moment for a long, long time.....and today that moment has arrived! Today we focus on our leader, our coach, our organizer, our team communicator and founder
"Tom The Coach!!".Madison was founded as a team about eight years ago when Tom persuaded a few of his fellow Clinton team mates and a new recruit or two ( El Gato, Jodinho and the water boy) to break away to form a new team. That first season was tough as our pool of players was at times no more than a pathetic puddle.....sometimes down to only 7 players for a game! But with strong team spirit and a sense of humor we hung together and the team survived its turbulent first year. Now look where we are!
I have to say it has been difficult to get an interview with Tom. He is so reclusive that he makes Garbo look like an exhibitionist or Howard Hughes an extrovert.
Now because of that well known tendency to be private some might say that the interview below is not really by Tom and completely fabricated.....these type of elusive stars are aways at the sharp end of the rapier wit of the press pack and the paparazzi and who knows what is true or not. So with no verisimilitude at all here is the player focus on Tom The Coach!
First time you played soccer?
Well it must have been when i was around 38 because I remember someone shouting at me on the field " have you ever played football in your effin life before?".... of course I had, but it was Foosball...which apparently doesn't count (No it doesn't, but it allows you to practice standing still)
Fav Team? I am a big supporter of the "Soccer Coaches of the USA" Dream Team. I have missed a few of their matches though because they keep forgetting to advertise their games or arranging a team to play them. I have a membership badge as well!.... but i can't find it right now, i think i left it in someones bag ( I'll check mine later )
Fav player? Magic Johnson...or was his name Jimmy? I think Madonna was a great player too ( Yes, Madonna had some great moves....)
Fav Music?Who has time for music? I am too busy organizing our team and getting ready for the next match ( Absolutely, although i have heard you humming a few Barry Manilow songs )
Fav movie? I like all the good coach movies like...hhmm..well, you know, like that one about the coach ( Was it called " The Coach" ? )
Best moment on a soccer field? Oh yes, I remember finding 10 dollars lying on the field...I think it was mine ( It is now.... )
Nickname at High School? Funnily enough it was "Tom the Coach" ( yes?, what were you coaching then?)
Motto for life? If you can't get to the ball, stop and point at it ( I'm saying nothing...)
Something we don't know about you? I am a soccer coach ( I'm still not talking....)
Well thanks Tom, if that's really your name.... ! ;o)