It's time for our team captain Roniildo to spend some time under the spotlight. He is from Scotland so he will be tough under pressure, accurate and honest in his answers, generous with his praise for team mates and naturally talented and gifted at playing soccer. Throw in some unbelievable intelligence, wicked humor and some mad looks that women find irresistable and you have the basic format that most Scottish men adhere to. Of course, it's tough for Ronilldo having a superior Scottish specimen in the team but you can't have everything......
Sometimes he has a face on him like a skelpt erse, but he is great player!
So Ron...
First time you played soccer? ~3 years old. in my Gran's backyard. My older cousin (6 years +) Paul Devine was a great player…played for Celtic school boy's for a couple of seasons. Paul introduced me to the game, and to Parkhead! ( Can't beat your first time in Paradise.... )
Favorite Team? Glasgow Celtic ( For it's a grand old team to play for....!)
Fav Player? Kenny Dalglish, Maradonna, Johan Cruyff lately…Carlos Tevas, Frank Lampard ( kinda go for the midfielder type of player huh? )
Fav Music? Rock & Heavy metal (ACDC, White snake, U2, Bon Jovi, Stones & the Who) ( jeez, brain melt music )
Fav Movie? Gladiator, Braveheart, Usual suspects, meet the parents ( Aye, a good movie that slaughters the Romans or the English, ...wha's like us, no many an they're au deid....aye!! )
Best moment on a soccer field? Scoring 2 goals to win U-15 Renfrewshire regional cup final at Love Street. First time I played on a professional pitch...( I won't tell anyone you were 21 at the time )
Nickname at school? the knife……the days when I was known for cutting through defenses like a hot knife through butter….sort of the way Carlos still does today (what can we call you today? the spoon? for spreading through defences like margarine)
Motto for life? noli illegitimi carborundum……… ( who are you calling an illegitimi? )
Something we don't know about you? when in grad school in London, appeared on an esoteric documentary show called "red herring" on Britain's Channel 4, to defend life science research against a panel of rabid opposers! ( is that around the same time you were dating Susan Boyle?)
Thanks Roniildo!